Get your City project reviewed for accessibility

Follow the steps to get your project reviewed by the Mayor's Office on Disability (MOD).

For sequential plan review

MOD is the first step in the review process. We must approve the plans for accessibility before DBI accepts them.

For parallel permit processing

MOD needs to receive the plans at the same time as the other permit review agencies such as DBI or Planning.

For electronic plan review (EPR)

See submittal requirements and information about EPR on DBI’s Electronic plan review resources page.

See our Design Bulletins and Informational Sheets for more guidance on accessibility codes and regulations. 


Pre-application plan review

Time:typically 90 minutes

We recommend this review as best practice if you have large or complex projects.

This is an opportunity to:

  • Show your conceptual drawings
  • Ask specific questions about applicable codes
  • Discuss the plan review process, including review time expectations
  • Ask about conditions that may be unique to your project

Meeting minutes confirming key decisions are scanned onto the construction drawings by the registered design professional. They are part of the official plan set documents.

Schedule a meeting

For details about pre-application meeting criteria and to schedule a pre-application meeting, contact senior building inspector Joseph Ospital at


Project submittal

Time:1 hour or less

Plan review starts when you


Reproduce the Disability Access Compliance sign off form onto the Cover Sheet (CS) of the plan set.

You may need to fill out additional forms:

  1. DBI’s Disabled Access Checklist (for existing buildings only)
  2. ADA Play Area Inventory Form (if applicable)
  3. Undue Burden Document (if applicable)



Plan comments

Time:1 to 3 weeks depending on project size and workload

After we receive your plans, we will provide review comments detailing needed corrections. We will also:

  • Review any unreasonable hardship requests
  • Provide guidance for technical infeasibility documentation
  • Make recommendations to DBI

We usually send these comments to the project architect and the project manager via e-mail.


Plan corrections

Time:1 day to 1 week depending on number of corrections

If we ask for corrections in the plan review comments, your project architect must submit revised plans. You must attach a summary memo or sheet with the plans. Explain which sheet and detail number addresses each plan review comment. 


Your project review may be delayed for any of the following reasons:

  • Incomplete plans
  • Comment responses without summaries
  • Uncorrected plans or comments not addressed 

Plan approval

Time:usually 1 day to stamp plans approved

Once all of the final plan review comments have been addressed, you must submit 2 additional plan sets for a total of 3.

Two of the sets will be stamped “Approved” and are for submittal to DBI. MOD will keep the 3rd set for our records.

We also stamp and sign your building permit application, if provided.

Congratulations! You have now completed the review process.

Next step

Follow the steps to start your field inspection process.

If you do not agree with the decisions from the plan review, you can file an appeal.