Reimbursement Request Process

GFTA provides award funds on a reimbursement basis. We are no longer accepting reimbursement requests by email.

What to do

1. Sign up with our payment provider

2. Fill out your funding request form

Find your funding request form in Appendix C of your signed agreement and fill it out. Review our reimbursement overview to know what to expect. 

You may find your Appendix C in your grant agreement (aka contract). This form has coding unique to your organization. Please only use the form that is in the appendices of your contract.

You may submit a reimbursement form (Appendix C) for all expenses paid to date for the grant period July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.

See a sample of a completed Appendix C form - complete all areas in red outline of this sample when you receive your Appendix C.


We encourage all grantees to submit 1 request form for 100% of funds, if possible.

4. Collect documentation

You'll need to provide proof of expense plus proof of payment as backup documentation for the reimbursement form. ​

Proof of expense for costs you want reimbursed are copies of:​

  • invoices/bills*​

  • payroll registers*​

​*Make sure the dates on invoices/bills and payroll registers show the expense was incurred during the July 1 to June 30 term​

Proof of payment for expenses ​include copies of:​

  • front and back of canceled checks​

  • receipts​

  • bank statements with paid costs highlighted​

  • online payment confirmations​

  • etc.​

Payroll is usually the biggest general operating expense. Include that and other large expense items in your reimbursement request minus salaries for fundraising or grant writing staff or contractors.

Your supporting documentation can exceed the grant amount, but the request amount that you put in Appendix C cannot exceed the grant amount.

5. Submit an online form with 100% of the Appendix C completed and all backup documentation

See slide deck and video links from our "Get your grant funds" workshops, below.

Look for an email from GFTA which has a link for the personalized reimbursement form that you will use to request your funds. You will not receive this link until after you have completed the Compliance Intake Process.

Scan and include copies of required documentation for every item that is listed on page 2 of the Appendix C form you filled out. These scans should include backup documents listed in Step 4 for proof of expense and proof of payment.

Make sure all fields of Appendix C are filled. These include fields highlighted in yellow on the Appendix C form and the Name and Title of the person filling out the form needs to be entered on page 1 of Appendix C.

Questions can be sent to

What's next

You can expect to see payment within 30 days contingent on a complete and correct request form.

Get help

Last updated September 26, 2024