Inspection Service (Civil Service Adviser 25)
The Civil Service Commission has established the Civil Service Adviser to enhance delivery of information on important employment issues and policies affecting the merit system of the City & County of San Francisco. The Adviser is a summary only. It does not supercede or amend the City’s governing documents and policies, the terms of which will control over the content of the Adviser.
The Civil Service Commission is authorized by Charter (Article X) to establish rules, policies and procedures to carry out the merit system provisions of the Charter. The Commission provides oversight of the merit system through hearings on appeals, inquiries on the operation of the merit system and reports from the Human Resources Director, the Director of Transportation/Designee and the Commission’s Executive Officer. Under its Charter Authority, the Civil Service Commission also operates an Inspection Service.
What is the Inspection Service?
The Inspection Service is another mechanism for the Civil Service Commission, in its role and responsibility, to oversee the operation of the merit system. The purpose of the Inspection Service is to ensure compliance with merit system rules, policies and procedures established by the Civil Service Commission through the investigation of the conduct or actions of appointees in all positions and securing records. All departments are required to cooperate with the Civil Service Commission and its staff in making its inquiries and investigations.
Who can file an Inspection Service request?
An Inspection Service request may be submitted to the Executive Officer, Civil Service Commission by applicants, employees, departmental representatives, advocates, employee organization representatives, or interested members of the public by letter, telephone, email, or in person. Anonymous requests are accepted and investigated. Inspection Service requests may also be generated by Civil Service Commissioners in response to items heard at Civil Service Commission meetings or other venues.
What happens when an Inspection Service request is filed?
The request is acknowledged and a staff person assigned to conduct the inspection. Inspection Service investigations may include but are not limited to auditing departmental records, determining compliance with departmental and merit system practices and interviewing and applying relevant merit system Rules, policies and procedures.
The investigation may result in counseling on procedures for either the requestor or the department, incorporating information in training workshops on the merit system, publication of the Civil Service Adviser to clarify merit system policies and procedures, or a hearing of the matter at the
The Civil Service Commission is authorized by Charter (Article X) to establish rules, policies and procedures to carry out the merit system provisions of the Charter. The Commission provides oversight of the merit system through hearings on appeals, inquiries on the operation of the merit system and reports from the Human Resources Director, the Director of Transportation/Designee and the Commission’s Executive Officer. Under its Charter Authority, the Civil Service Commission also operates an Inspection Service.
Civil Service Commission with subsequent remedial and corrective action, as appropriate.
An Example of an Inspection Service Issue
An employee requests a review of the selection process because she has not been appointed to a “Skilled Utility Worker” position nor has she received any job notifications. By way of background, she has been employed with the City & County of San Francisco for seven (7) years. Concurrent with her City employment, she completed a “Skilled Utility Worker” apprenticeship program and obtained all of the required licenses and certifications. She successfully participated in the City’s “Skilled Utility Worker” examination. However, she has been on the eligible list for nearly a year and the eligibles ranked immediately above and below her have been appointed and she has not.
Civil Service Commission staff conducts an investigation and at a minimum:
- verifies the employee’s current address and obtains any additional information from the requestor as necessary;
- determines by auditing the Citywide certification/referral for positions filled from the current list if selections were made in accordance with the Certification Rule on the examination announcement, Civil Service Commission Rules and Policies and other applicable merit system requirements;
- conducts an audit of the department’s referral record keeping procedures, and verifies that for those selected, Appointment Processing and the “Notice of Probationary Period” are completed and the personnel files are in order.
- If the selections are appropriate the Civil Service Commission staff:
- Notifies the employee of the results,
- Includes a description and/or illustration of the certification/referral process and answers questions that led to the Inspection Service request.
- If the selections are inappropriate, the Civil Service Commission staff:
- Contacts the department head and the Director of Human Resources to advise them of the areas requiring correction including scheduling the matter for Civil Service Commission consideration and action if necessary or appropriate; Notifies the employee of the results.