Inclusionary Below Market Rate (BMR) renter recertification

Below Market Rate renter recertification information for Inclusionary Property Managers and Leasing Agents

What to know

What is recertification?

Every year, property owners in the BMR program must collect current income and asset information and verify household size and occupancy status for BMR renters. This process is called recertification.

When to start the process

MOHCD recommends starting the process 120 days before the lease expires. This allows enough time to complete the recertification process, provide the required noticing time for any rent increases and sign a new lease.


You must be in compliance with annual recertifications in order to re-rent BMR vacancies.

What to do

1. Send households required documentation

Send households the Recertification Letter and Recertification - BMR Rental Application Form A.

2. Review applications

  • Review all submitted documents.
  • Complete the Review and Analysis (R&A) worksheet, based only on the most recent tax return form. 
    • If the income based on the tax return is 120% AMI or below, the household has completed the income portion of recertification.
  • If the income exceeds 120% AMI or if the household does not have a valid reason for having to not file tax returns:
    • Send the renter Recertification - BMR Rental Application Form B
    • Provide the renter with up to 10 business days to submit the documents from BMR Rental Application Form B.
    • Complete the Review and Analysis (R&A) worksheet based on the documents from BMR Rental Application Form B.
    • If the renter's household income exceeds 175% AMI, you will need to contact and submit documents and R&A for review. If MOHCD confirms, you will need to proceed with disqualification as discussed in Step 3.

3. Process disqualifications and appeals

  • If renters are disqualified, you must notify them by mail, email, text, and a phone call. You will need to prepare and provide the renter with the following form:  MOHCD-Disqualification Recertification
    • You must offer a disqualified household 5 calendar days to appeal. An appeal must include a Letter of Explanation, along with all supporting documents.
    • If renters are disqualified for missing documents, you must issue a letter listing the missing documents. You must allow the renter another 5 calendar days to send in the missing paperwork.
  • Submit appeals to MOHCD for review. MOHCD will make the final decision on all appeals.
  • You must allow 10 business days for MOHCD to review the appeal.
  • If the recertification or the appeal is denied by MOHCD, you must give the household a 90-day non-renewal notice.
  • The household must vacate by the end of the 90-day period.

4. Sign new leases

  • If the household is approved for recertification, they are now ready to sign a new lease.
  • If you have changed any part of the lease form initially approved by MOHCD, you must inform MOHCD. These changes must be approved by MOHCD.
  • You must attach the BMR Rental Acknowledgement. It must be signed by the renter as an acknowledgement of the Procedures Manual.
  • Keep the digital files for your records. MOHCD may conduct an audit of your tenant files.