

Handing over a pen and paper to someone else to sign.




(2024 年 3 月 12 日生效)

整個加州的縣記錄員在記錄每一份房地產文書、文件或通知時,會額外收取 75 美元的費用,除非明確免除支付記錄費,每宗不動產的每筆交易每筆交易不超過 225 美元。 SB2(阿特金斯)



  • 轉讓已繳納轉讓稅的不動產的文件
  • 將住宅不動產轉讓給自住業主的文件
  • 與不動產豁免轉讓有關的記錄文件。例如,需繳納轉讓稅或自用
  • 每筆交易最高費用達 225 美元
  • 文件與不動產無關



基本記錄費用 註:如果標有星號,則需遵守《建築房屋和就業法案》費用

Recorder Fees Chart
Fee TitleDetailFee

Base Fee – 1st Page

Per document title where all pages measure 8.5”x11” (GC 27361, 27397, 27361.4)


Base Fee – 1st Page of documents subject to Real Estate Fraud Fee

For the following titles, an additional fee of $3.00 per title (above the Base $14.00 fee) will be charged unless recorded concurrently with a transfer subject to the imposition of Transfer Tax: deed of trust, assignment of deed of trust, reconveyance, request for notice, notice of default, substitution of trustee, notice of trustee sale, and notice of rescission of declaration of default. (GC 27388, SF Ord. 413-97)


Building Homes & Jobs Act Fee (SB2)

Additional $75.00 fee will be charged per parcel (APN), per document title at the time of recording/filing any real estate instrument, paper or notice except those expressly exempted. Fee shall not exceed $225 per transaction (defined as documents presented together and related to the same parties and property). (GC 27388.1)

$75.00 to $225.00

Each Additional Page

Per additional 8.5”x11” page (GC 27361)


Combined Documents (containing more than one title)

Per each additional document title (GC 27361.1)

$14.00* or $17.00*

Additional Recording Fees

Survey Monument Fee

Applies only to deeds subject to documentary transfer tax (GC 27585, SF Ord. 258-5)


Nonconforming Fee

Additional $3.00 per page fee applied to entire document for any portion of the document that is not 8.5”x11” (GC 27361)


Indexing Fee (more than 10 names)

Where additional names are required to be indexed, there will be a charge for each group of 10 names or fractional portion thereof after the initial group of 10 names.  (GC 27361.8)


Indexing Fee (more than 1 recording reference)

Per reference to previously recorded document (after the first one), which requires additional indexing. (GC 27361.2)


Preliminary Change of Ownership Report (PCOR) (Fee in Lieu of)

An additional $20.00 fee is charged when a transfer document is presented without a PCOR (R&T 480.3b)


Penalty Print

If wording added to the printed form is spaced more than 9 lines per vertical inch or has more than 22 characters and spaces per inch measured horizontally, the penalty is $1.00 per page (GC 27361)


Involuntary Lien (e.g., abstract of judgement)

Additional $6.00 fee per document for notification of involuntary lien for first debtor (GC 27297.5, GC 27387)


Involuntary Lien (e.g., abstract of judgement)

Additional $2.00 fee per each additional debtor for notification of involuntary lien (GC 27297.5, GC 27387)


Map Recording Fees Note: subject to Building Homes and Jobs Act Fee if marked with asterisk

Map Recording Fee – 1st Page

Per (GC 27372)


Map Recording Fee (each subsequent page)

Per (GC 27372)


Lien Recording Fees

Release of Lien, judgement, encumbrance or notice

Executed by the state or any political subdivision of the state (GC 27361.3, GC 27361.4, GC 27397)


Release of Lien, judgement, encumbrance or notice

Recorded in ERROR by the state or any political subdivision of the state (GC 27631.3, GC 27361.4)


State Tax Lien - out of state debtor

Executed by the state or any political subdivision of the state (GC 27361.3, GC 27361.4, GC 27397, GC 7171(d))


Federal Tax Lien or Release

Per document title; additional page fees apply (GC 27361, 27397, 27361.4)


Financing Statement Recording Fees  Note: subject to Building Homes and Jobs Act Fee if marked with asterisk

UCC (1 or 2 pages)

Per document (GC 27388, 12194, 27397)


UCC (3 or more pages)

Per document (GC 27388, 12194, 27397)


注意:本表中標有星號(*) 的費用須遵守州規定的《建築住宅和就業法案》(SB2),根據《政府法典》第§27388.1 條的立法修正案,最多需額外支付225 美元,除非要求豁免。 

Copy Fees
Copy and Filing Fees

Preliminary 20-Day Notice

Filing fee


Official Record Copy

Copy charge for first page of records or papers on file (GC 27366)


Official Record Copy

Copy charge per page for each additional page (GC 27366)


Official Record Copy

Self-service via website, electronic only; flat fee per document (GC 27366)


Certified Copy

Signed official seal, surcharge per document copy (GC 27364)


Conformed Copy

Copy provided by taxpayer at time of recording; flat fee per document


Marriage License

Certified copies of public licenses only (H&S Code 103625)


Map Copy – 1st Page

First page


Map Copy

Each additional page of same map


轉讓稅 - 根據《舊金山商業和稅務法規法典》第 12C 條徵收

Transfer Tax Rate
If entire consideration or value is:Tax rate for entire consideration or value is:

More than $100 but less than/equal to $250,000

$2.50 for each $500 or portion thereof

More than $250,000 but less than $1,000,000

$3.40 for each $500 or portion thereof

$1,000,000 or more but less than $5,000,000

$3.75 for each $500 or portion thereof

$5,000,000 or more but less than $10,000,000

$11.25 for each $500 or portion thereof

$10,000,000 or more but less than $25,000,000

$27.50 for each $500 or portion thereof

$25,000,000 or more

$30.00 for each $500 or portion thereof


注意:根據《舊金山商業和稅收法規》第 12-C 條第 1108.6 條,合格的租金限制經濟適用住房轉讓的最高稅率為每 500 美元或其一部分 3.75 美元。



答:加州立法機構於2017 年9 月29 日通過了SB2(阿特金斯)。免除支付費用每塊不動產每筆交易的記錄費每筆交易不超過 225 美元。 2018 年 1 月 1 日生效。

Q: 10 美元的紀念碑費是多少? 

答: 2005 年 11 月 8 日,舊金山監事會批准了第 258-05 號條例,即紀念碑保護基金會。該條例規定,提交每份需繳納轉讓稅的契約需繳納 10.00 美元的費用。費用收益將用於公共工程部 (DPW) 追溯和重新紀念該市的歷史調查和紀念碑線。 《加州政府法典》第 27584 條及以下條款。授權採用和收取該費用。縣記錄辦公室在記錄契約時收取此費用以及其他記錄費用。從 2006 年 3 月 13 日開始,為了記錄您提交給縣記錄辦公室的契約,每份需繳納轉讓稅的契約需繳納 10.00 美元的額外費用。


答:只有原始文件(或法院或其他授權保管人簽發的經認證的副本)才可以記錄。一致副本是您在提交原件時向我們提供的原始文件之外的副本。一致的副本尚未與原始版本進行比較。我們將在其上蓋上錄製日期和文件編號,並在原件錄製後立即退還給您。原始文件將在錄製日期後大約兩週通過郵件發送。合格副本的成本為每份 1 美元。請記住,您需要向我們提供副本。或者,您可以以不同的價格購買普通副本或認證副本。請參閱費用表。只有我們的員工才能簽發經過認證的副本,這些是您可以獲得的最好的副本。