Construction Addendum to the Site Permit
Site Permits provide conceptual approval for a building project and are often used when planning large, multi-phase or complex projects exceeding $25 million in construction valuation.
A Site Permit does not authorize construction. Instead, once a Site Permit is issued, the project sponsor submits Addenda with specific construction details for the City to review for code compliance.
This page details the information that may need to be included in Site Permit Addenda, based on the scope of a project.
As with the plans and documentation submitted as part of a Full Permit review, the City may issue comments on unclear, incomplete or non-compliant elements of Site Permit Addenda. The project sponsor then responds to those comments and engages in a dialogue with City staff until the code issues are resolved.
Though this can result in a longer review process, on really large or complex projects, the Site Permit process can enable the project sponsor to initiate some construction sooner and save them from developing costly plans and structural calculations for proposals and project elements which may not receive zoning or other code approval. As Addenda are approved as part of the Site Permit process and not separate permits, they are not appealable.
A copy of the approved site permit must accompany each addendum submission.
Depending on your project scope, Site Permit Addenda may cover numerous aspects of your project, including:
Slope Protection
Title 24 Energy, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing
Fire Sprinklers
Solar / Photovoltaic
Disability Access
Submitting Site Permit Addenda
To submit your Addenda for review, follow these instructions. The first Addenda is the "first construction document," typically when development impact fees must be paid. As part of your first Addenda filing, you also must provide an Addenda schedule which identifies your overall plan for submitting Addenda to your Site Permit.
Grading Addenda
Submit the following documents:
A completed Addenda application form.
Geotechnical Report if your project includes conditions listed under Information Sheet S-05.
Soil engineer’s Review Letter referencing the latest plan version of grading plan.
Special Inspection and Structural Observation Requirements Checklist and specifications.
Submit a set of plans providing:
Existing and proposed contour map or elevations.
Details of other installations and ground improvement specifications.
Sections depicting proposed installations with dimensions.
Structural engineering calculations for relevant elements.
Indication of excavated soil and fill volume.
Compliance with applicable Mitigation Measures or Conditions of Approval.
Foundation Addenda
Submit the following documents:
A completed Addenda application form.
A Geotechnical Report if your project includes conditions listed under Information Sheet S-05.
Submit a set of plans providing:
Foundation Plan with construction sections and details.
List of relevant geotechnical design parameters.
Engineering calculations supporting the foundation design.
Grading information if no grading addendum is provided.
Geotechnical engineer’s review letter referencing the latest plan version of the foundation plan.
Special Inspection and Structural Observation Requirements Checklist and specifications.
Compliance with applicable Mitigation Measures or Conditions of Approval.
Slope Protection
Projects meeting these criteria must include the following checklist:
Superstructure Addenda
Submit the following documents:
A completed Addenda application form.
Submit a set of plans providing:
Design assumptions, including vertical and lateral loads.
Structural Framing plan with construction sections and connection details.
Engineering calculations supporting the superstructure design.
Special Inspection and Structural Observation Requirements Checklist and specifications.
Compliance with applicable Mitigation Measures or Conditions of Approval.
Title 24 Energy, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Addenda
Submit the following documents:
A completed Addenda application form.
Submit a set of plans providing:
Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing plans and checklists.
Title-24 California Energy Code compliance forms.
The Energy Inspection Forms per Information Sheets M-04, and M-08.
Smoke Control compliance per Administrative Bulletin AB-047.
San Francisco Health Code Article-38 compliance.
All-Electric New Construction Ordinance.
Electric company service report.
1-year of maximum electrical demand data.
Architectural Addenda
If your project includes on-site below market rate dwelling units, the review and acceptance of proposed below market rate units under Zoning Administrator Bulletin #10 must occur prior to approval of your Architectural Addenda.
Your Architectural Addenda and approved Site Permit have to be the same.
Submit the following documents:
A completed Addenda application form.
Submit a set of plans providing:
Layout plan and building properties and occupancy identical to the approved site permit.
Architectural floor plans indicating uses and occupancies.
Building elevations with dimensions and exterior grade information.
Fire separation distance and rating of all elements specified.
Occupancy separations and non-separated occupancy approach.
Exiting diagram with design exiting load and distances indicated.
Construction sections, details, and schedules for various fire and energy assemblies.
Compliance with applicable Mitigation Measures or Conditions of Approval.
Title-24 California Energy Code compliance forms (Envelope).
The Energy Inspection Forms per Information Sheets M-03, M-04, and M-08.
Better Roof compliance per San Francisco Green Building Code.
Environmental Noise Study per CBC 1206.4.
Green Building Submittal Forms.
Compliance with the All-Electric New Construction Ordinance.
Separately show the existing and proposed floor plans. the existing plans may include demolition but the proposed plans should only show final design.
Fire Sprinkler Addenda
Submit the following documents:
A completed Addenda application form.
Submit a set of plans which provide the following details:
Provide all details noted for a Fire Only permit.
Solar PV Addenda
Submit the following documents:
A completed Addenda application form.
Submit a set of plans which provide the following details:
Layout of solar panels showing all required setbacks for fire access path.
Structural details and calculations showing mounting of the PV system.
Single line diagram showing all PV (Photovoltaic) and Energy Storage System (ESS) equipment, connection to the utility service, and cutover method to the house loads.
Show fire rating compliance for ESS.
Provide cutsheets for PV and ESS, including PV mounting hardware.
Disability Access
Submit the following documents if your project is an existing commercial building or publicly-financed or managed residential building: