Sheriff's Department Oversight Board 2023 Annual Report

San Francisco Sheriff's Department Oversight Board 2023 Annual Report to the Sheriff and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Letter from the Board President Julie D. Soo

March 2024

Calendar Year 2023 Annual Report

This past year was a historic year for the Sheriff’s Department Oversight Board (SDOB). Our seven members were finally seated in August 2022, after 20 hours of orientation and training, and in January we launched a timeline for 2023 with goals and benchmarks. After a nationwide search that lasted almost one year, in December we fulfilled our charter mandate appointing the inaugural Inspector General, Mr. Terry Wiley. We solicited input from experts in the field of oversight and more importantly, we solicited opinions from our diverse communities, paying close attention to those who have been affected by the criminal justice system, including those currently incarcerated, as well as their family members.

We took inventory of the Sheriff’s Department, now known as the Sheriff’s Office, to assess improvements to technology necessary to provide better reporting and to address complaints handled by the Sheriff’s Office. Under a Letter of Agreement, the Department of Police Accountability (DPA) handles categories of serious complaints. To be noted, DPA has been lauded by experts in government reporting for continuing to meet all statutory deadlines while handling complaint investigations for both Police Department and Sheriff’s Office matters. Following a transition period and contingent on securing adequate resources and funding, the Inspector General and the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) will be investigating and presenting findings on all complaints.

The Board now turns its focus on standardizing reporting from the Sheriff’s Office and OIG, with a sharp lens on data collection to look at risk management and to make policy recommendations on use of force and custodial operations. The Sheriff’s Office Emergency Services Unit has now deployed deputies in the field that includes patrols as part of the special Tenderloin Task Force tackling the drug crisis on our streets with joint operations from SFPD, CHP, and the California National Guard. The Board will also monitor recruiting sworn officers and working conditions. Staffing shortages mean longer hours for all personnel. Being in the field requires additional specialized training for deputies with greater safety precautions.

San Francisco supports many services for those in custody and the Board will continue to look at ways to enhance programs toward successful re-entry.

I want to thank my colleagues on the Board for advancing our work and bringing individual areas of expertise and community viewpoints. Member Ovava Afuhaamango took additional time to design the Annual Report Summary and Highlights with a pictorial history. Special thanks to our Legal Assistant / Acting Secretary Dan Leung who wore many hats during the year; the Department of Human Resources for shepherding the Board through the recruitment and hiring process; the Department of Police Accountability for lending its expertise and setting up the computer and real estate infrastructure for OIG; and, to the Sheriff and his staff for being open to oversight.

The Board looks forward to working with Mr. Wiley. His 33-year career as a former prosecutor and a criminal justice reform subject matter expert commands respect in the Bay Area community and he is someone who can help shape the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office as one of the best in the country.


The San Francisco Sheriff’s Department Oversight Board was established by amendment to the San Francisco City Charter proposed by Supervisor Shamann Walton and passed by voters in the November 2020 General Election. Charter section 4.137, Sheriff’s Department Oversight, established the Sheriff’s Department Oversight Board (SDOB) and the Office of Inspector General (OIG).

Section 4.137 gives SDOB authority to:
• Appoint the Inspector General in the Sheriff’s Department Office of Inspector General.
• Evaluate the work of OIG and review the Inspector General’s individual work performance.
• Compile, evaluate, and recommend law enforcement custodial and patrol best practices.
• Conduct community outreach and receive community input regarding SFSD operations and jail conditions by holding public meetings and soliciting input from persons incarcerated in the City and County.
• Hold hearings, issue subpoenas to witnesses to appear and for the production of evidence, administer oaths, and take testimony.

SDOB consists of seven members, four appointed by the Board of Supervisors and three appointed by the Mayor. The appointments of the four Board of Supervisors appointees, Ovava Afuhaamango, Michael L. Nguyen, William Palmer, II and Jayson Wechter became effective January 13, 2022. The appointments of the three Mayoral appointees, Dion-Jay Brookter, Xochitl Carrion and Julie D. Soo became effective December 12, 2021.

Members Afuhaamango, Carrion, and Palmer were re-appointed in 2023 after their inaugural two-year short terms expired.

Dan Leung serves as the Board’s Interim Secretary/Legal Assistant.

SDOB held ten regular in-person at City Hall in 2023. The May meeting was canceled for lack of quorum and August was a summer recess. It held two budget hearings in January and February. SDOB held five special public meetings to receive community input on the qualifications of an inspector general, four off-site. Based on availability of a meeting room at City Hall equipped with SFGovTV cameras, the availability of SFGovTV staff to provide media services, and the scheduling availability of SDOB members, regular meetings are held at City Hall on the first Friday of each month from 2 PM – 5 PM.

January 2023

At its January 2023 regular meeting, SDOB made great strides to advance its charge to hire an Inspector General (IG). VP Xochitl Carrion moved to have a Committee on the Qualification Considerations of an Inspector General. The motion passed unanimously with all members present. VP Carrion and Member Julie D. Soo served as committee members. President Jayson Wechter presented job descriptions and salaries from other jurisdictions. Later that same month, the Committee held a special meeting to solicit public input.

Continuing with input from those in oversight from across the nation on IG recruitment, SDOB heard via videoconference from Shadayra Kilfoy-Flores, Interim Chair, Madison Wisconsin Police Civilian Oversight.

February 2023

At the February 3, 2023 regular meeting, Member Soo presented a draft of the IG job description and a timeline with benchmarks for SDOB for the remainder of 2023. At the same meeting, Member Soo by vote was designated as the point person with the Department of Human Resources (DHR) to move forward in a job posting and search for the inaugural IG. The timeline also designated in-person community meetings for community input on qualification considerations of an IG. The February meeting was also a watershed moment in that the following operation documents that had been carried over since August 2022 were finally adopted: Rules of Order / Bylaws, Mission Statement, and Statement of Incompatible Activities (SIA).

During February, DHR interviewed all Board Members individually about the IG job qualifications so as to incorporate their thoughts and to refine the job posting initiated by Member Soo. DHR believed that seating an IG by October 2023 to be a realistic goal.

The budget was of top concern and the February meeting entertained a second budget presentation. The initial budget with the Charter Amendment did not fully anticipate personnel, office space, hardware, and office supplies.

SDOB expressed great appreciation to the Department of Police Accountability (DPA) and the Mayor’s Office of Budget. Both entities have been instrumental in helping to create a realistic budget so that the IG can be successful in creating an entirely new department. DPA has also been very supportive in bridging personnel and other support until such time as an IG is able to set up an independent office.

Nicole Armstrong, Chief Operations Officer for DPA, has provided her expertise and continued support to SDOB on operational staffing, minimum budget requirements, the need for hiring an 1823 position (Senior Administrative Analyst) for budgeting, and budget proposals.

Marshall Khine, Chief Attorney / Chief of Staff – Sheriff Oversight for DPA, has provided detailed work on technology and real estate infrastructure to assist an incoming Inspector General. A case management system was adapted from DPA’s current system for SDOB and the Office of Inspector General (OIG).

March 2023

At the March 3, 2023 regular meeting, SDOB adopted the job description for IG. Continuing with input from those in oversight from across the nation, SDOB heard via videoconference from Katherine Lee on her experience as former Director of Police Accountability and Berkeley Police Commission Officer.

SDOB held two community meetings in March, one on March 14 at the Bayview Opera House (District 10) and another on March 28 at the Hamilton Recreation Center (District 5).

DHR issued the job announcement for the position of Inspector General on March 27, 2023, with an application closing date of June 24, 2023. SDOB and DHR set the following desired timeline and benchmarks for hiring the Inspector General:
July - Inspector General Candidate Interviews
August - Pre-employment vetting and verification of finalists
September - Job offer
October - Onboarding of Inspector General

April 2023

The Mayor’s emergency COVID directive expired in March and all meetings going forward were held exclusively in person.

At the April 7, 2023 regular meeting and continuing with input from those in oversight from across the nation, SDOB heard via videoconference from Michelle Phillips, the first independent Inspector General for the City of Oakland, whose authority is civilian oversight of the Oakland Police Department, as she presented on the process she went through to become the inspector general.

Chief Richard Jue, chief of staff to Sheriff Paul Miyamoto, gave a presentation on complaint and internal investigations from 2019 to August 2022.

SDOB held two community meetings in April, one on April 11 at the Crocker Amazon Clubhouse (District 11) and another on April 21 at the Mission Arts Center (District 9).

May 2023

No meetings were held in May.

The regular meeting was canceled for lack of quorum.

Three community meetings were scheduled for the following dates and sites but were canceled for lack of quorum:
May 9, Moscone Recreation Center (District 2 and District 3)
May 19, Richmond Recreation Center (District 1)
May 25, Sunset Recreation Center (District 4)

June 2023

Continuing with input from those in oversight from across the nation, SDOB heard via videoconference from Danielle Butler Vappie, Interim Executive Director, Los Angeles Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission, and Max Huntsman, Inspector General, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Civilian Oversight Commission.

A community meeting was scheduled for June 8 at Glide Memorial United Methodist Church (District 5) but was canceled for lack of quorum.

July 2023

SDOB wanted to inventory the Sheriff’s Office on its technology, availability of data, availability of reports, and resources necessary to pull data and compile reports. To that end, at its July 7, 2023 regular meeting SFSO Chief Richard Jue introduced Martin Okumu, SFSO Director of IT, who spoke about the lack of modern technology and automation of records to readily produce reports without involving a number of internal departments and personnel. The Sheriff’s Office has been hampered by a budget that has not supported IT upgrades and integrated systems.

The Sheriff’s Office also provided a report on field operations and in particular the recent Tenderloin Task Force with joint operations from SFPD, the Sheriff’s Office, CHP, and the California National Guard. Chief Kevin McConnell of Field Operations presented on the Emergency Services Unit (ESU) and deployment of deputies in the field.

SDOB held a special closed session meeting on July 27, 2023 to discuss with DHR the IG applicants and those who met eligibility guidelines.

August 2023

Summer recess.

September 2023

At the September 1, 2023 regular meeting, Member Julie D. Soo was elected to serve as president for the term October 2023 through September 2024. Vice President Xochitl Carrion was re-elected to serve as vice president.

SDOB received information by presentation from the Department of Police Accountability on the types of complaints it has handled regarding Sheriff’s personnel under the MOU between DPA and the Sheriff’s Office. DPA created an IT infrastructure for the OIG to receive complaints specifically related to the Sheriff’s Office and physical office space. This information and advance work were crucial, especially considering the Mayor’s mid-year directive for City Departments to trim budgets by 3 percent.

All members of the Board were invited to National Night Out events. Members Afuhaamango, Nguyen, Palmer, and Soo attended National Night Out in Chinatown in September.

Members Carrion and Soo attended the 2023 Police-Fire Mass later that week.

Members Palmer and Wechter visited San Francisco Sheriff’s Office County Jail #3 in September to take notes and receive information from inmates on SFSO jail conditions to be addressed and desired qualifications in an Inspector General.

SDOB continued to work with DHR and the City Attorney’s Office on IG interviews. SDOB narrowed the pool of candidates to interview through a supplemental written questionnaire and advanced successful candidates for oral interviews.

As referenced above under May 2023 and reported in our Q2 report, DHR issued the job announcement for the position of Inspector General on March 27, 2023 and the application period closed on June 24, 2023.

SDOB and DHR updated the following desired timeline and benchmarks for hiring the Inspector General:
October - Inspector General Candidate Interviews
November - Selection of Inspector General and Offer
December / January 2024 - Announcement and Onboarding of Inspector General and; Community Town Hall

October 2023

At the October 6, 2023 regular meeting, SDOB disclosed coming out of closed session that it has interpreted “law enforcement” under Charter section 4.137 as law enforcement agencies that consist of police and sheriff departments in considering eligible candidates for Inspector General. Also at that meeting, SDOB elected President Soo to work with the Deputy City Attorney on language amendments to Charter section 4.137. To be noted, because Charter section 4.137 was established under a ballot initiative, any amendments must go before the voters. The deadline for completion is May 2024 for the November 2024 ballot.

SDOB received the remainder of a comprehensive presentation carried over from September from the Department of Police Accountability (DPA) of the 2021 and 2022 statistics on complaints again SFSO handled by DPA under the August 21, 2020 MOU / letter of agreement.

On October 13, 2023, SDOB conducted in-person interviews of Inspector General candidates during a special meeting in closed session.

On October 14, 2023, Member Soo participated at the SFSO Faith & Blue Citizen’s Academy to Build Bridges to More Inclusive Communities on the grounds of County Jail #3. National Faith & Blue Weekend facilitates safer and stronger communities by engaging law enforcement officers and local residents through the connections of faith-based organizations. SF Junior Deputies and the Community Engagement Team served as ambassadors to community members. SFSO provided Active Shooter drills and hands-on scenarios with the Firearms Training Simulator.

SFSO Assistant Chief Tanzanika Carter has kept SDOB informed of community events and has been a liaison for community engagement.

November 2023

At the November, 3, 2023 regular meeting, SDOB continued post-interview discussion on the Inspector General candidates in closed session. A candidate was selected and the name was forwarded to the Department of Human Resources (DHR) for further vetting and clearance. At the end of the month, DHR finalized matters concerning pre-appointment vetting and an offer was made.

Marshall Khine, Chief Attorney / Chief of Staff for Sheriff Oversight at DPA, provided a third quarter report on Sheriff’s Office complaint investigations for the third quarter.

December 2023

At its December 1, 2023, SDOB heard from Director of Prisoner Legal Services (PLS), Nick Gregoratos, for an informational report on what his department does for incarcerated individuals.

Chief Investigator for DPA, Erik Baltazar, made a presentation of how investigations are handled once received.

On December 20, 2023, Terry Wiley was officially announced and introduced as SDOB’s inaugural Inspector General at City Hall. Honorable Willie L. Brown, Jr. administered the oath of office. The effective date of Mr. Wiley’s appointment is January 8, 2024. The media release that includes Mr. Wiley’s biography, publications, and honors and awards is attached.

Minutes may be found on the SDOB’s Website at: Corresponding video recordings may to found at San Francisco Government TV (SFGovTV) / Meetings / Video on Demand / Commissions, Councils& Boards / Sheriff’s Department Oversight Board: —>

During 2023, SDOB did not evaluate law enforcement custodial and patrol best practices by the Sheriff’s Department. The Office of inspector General will not come into existence until January 2024.
Therefore, no OIG reports were submitted to SDOB in 2023.

Looking ahead:

Adequate budget and resources for SDOB and OIG will be a top priority.

SDOB greatly appreciates the Department of Police Accountability (DPA) and the Mayor’s Office of Budget. Both entities have been instrumental in helping to create a realistic budget so that the IG can be successful in creating an entirely new department. DPA has also been very supportive in bridging personnel and other support until such time as an IG is able to set up an independent office. SDOB expects a transition period for at least a year to 18 months, depending on civil service hiring timelines and budgeting.

With an IG named, SDOB can begin to consider matters as suggested and prioritized by its members. SDOB will look into services provided to incarcerated individuals, jail conditions, SFSO operations, SFSO discipline process, and the well-being of SFSO staff with input from stakeholders, service providers, and community organizations. Priorities will be considered with input from the IG.

Board Member Biographies

Ovava Afuhaamango

Ovava is a Tongan/Samoan woman, born and raised in SF. She currently works as a Marketing Manager for a beauty retailer. Like most Pacific Islanders, Ovava comes from a large family and has a deep sense of community. She hopes to advocate on behalf of the Black and Brown community that she comes from.

Dion-Jay Brookter

Dion-Jay (“DJ”) Brookter is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Young Community Developers Inc. (YCD). YCD is a 501(c) (3) non-profit community-based organization that provides workforce development, education, and housing services to San Francisco’s underserved (Bayview/Hunter’s Point) community residents. In 2023, YCD served over 2,000 customers and secured placement for more than 500 program participants across several industry sectors. Mr. Brookter holds a B.S. in Speech Communication (Utah State Univ.) and an MBA from the Univ. of Phoenix.

Xóchitl Carrión, Vice President (September 2022 – Present)

Xochitl Carrion has had significant experience over 15 years in three different areas of law – civil, criminal and corporate. Within these areas, Ms. Carrion has extensive litigation and trial experience and a proven track record of success in the courtroom with approximately 30 jury trials and hundreds of bench trials and hearings. In late 2023, she opened her own law firm, Law Office of Xóchitl Carrión, with the practice areas of civil litigation, state and local government relations and community outreach, economic development and legal support for businesses with an emphasis on Minority-Owned Businesses, and real estate transactions.

Prior to opening her own law firm, Ms. Carrion was a Lead Attorney for ALTO where she developed legal solutions for corporate clients’ crime and public safety concerns. She proactively expanded and strengthened relationships and partnerships among law enforcement, prosecution, and communities to address retail crimes efficiently and effectively. Prior to joining ALTO, Ms. Carrion served as an Assistant District Attorney in the San Francisco District Attorney's office, where she investigated and prosecuted misdemeanors, juvenile crimes, domestic violence, police and sheriff misconduct/shootings, hate crimes, and violent and serious felonies, including retail thefts. She also has significant civil attorney experience. Specifically, for 7+ years at Goldfarb & Lipman, LLP, Ms. Carrion represented affordable housing developers and funders, government agencies, non-profit and community-based organizations, and private real estate clients in transactional and litigation matters.

Ms. Carrion is a long-time champion for justice. She has served in 30+ leadership positions in civic and community-based organizations/entities, non-profits, and foundations. For example, she currently serves as the Vice Chair of the California Law Revision Commission (CLRC), to which she was appointed by Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2022, and was first appointed to CRLC by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. in 2011. During her first term, she was elected as chair in 2012-2013, and as vice-chair in 2011-2012. Currently, Ms. Carrion is also the President of the California La Raza Lawyers Association, and a board member of Horizons Foundation – the first foundation by, of, for LGBTQ people.

Ms. Carrion is committed to empowering herself and others with knowledge. She is a graduate from UC College of the Law, San Francisco with a CALI Award for Excellence in State and Local Government Law and UCLA with a double major of Chicana/o Studies/Women's Studies (highest honors) with a minor in LGBT Studies and specialization in Labor and the Workplace. Furthermore, Ms. Carrion has provided hundreds of trainings and presentations throughout her educational and professional career, and is eager to further train fellow attorneys, government officials/staff, corporate clients, and diverse communities.

Ms. Carrion resides in the Tenderloin/Lower Polk, a vibrant diverse community, and cherishes her VERY queer households (yes, multiple) as a single mom by choice with her wife, son’s father, two children, two senior dogs and numerous chosen family members.

Michael L. Nguyen

Michael L. Nguyen received his High School Diploma from Treasure Island Job Corps before pursuing his education at Skyline College, where he obtained an Associate Degree in Social and Behavioral Sciences. He furthered his studies at Contra Costa College, earning an Associate Degree in Law Enforcement.

To enhance his practical skills, Michael successfully completed training at the Contra Costa Sheriff's Academy, gaining valuable knowledge to prepare him for the field of Law Enforcement. Prior to his current job, he worked at Gavin de Becker and Associates as a security staff agent, ensuring the safety of clients and their assets. Michael also spent time at McGeorge School of Law as a Public Safety Officer, for better understanding of legal procedures and practices of Public Safety.

Born in Illinois and raised in San Francisco, Michael has a deep connection to this city and its people. As a member of the San Francisco Sheriff's Office, Michael is committed to serving and protecting the community he calls home.

Outside of work, Michaels enjoys spending time outdoors and staying active. He loves going on hikes and taking his beloved cocker spaniel for walks.

William Palmer, II

In March of 2019, William “Tariq” Palmer was released from CSP-Solano after serving 31 years, 23 years were ruled by the California Supreme Court as constitutional excessive punishment. He immediately assumed the position as a leader by advocating for social reforms, and mentoring youth both in the community and college students at the University of San Francisco as part of the PACE program. Requests began to pour in for William to share his story of becoming a self-advocate for his freedom and opening the door for thousands of youth offenders (The American parole system is an endless trap — and a moral outrage - The Washington Post) with major journals, law enforcement, and teen groups. William had his own challenges with reentry, his housing at GEO was like jail: and his parole officer arrested him for the appearance of violating his myriad of conditions, feeling that he “cheated his way out.” William Palmer was appointed to the San Francisco Reentry Council on the Sentencing Commission. He decided in 2021 that it was time to bring to life his system-impacted organization, Life After Next, to create the flagship of reentry in San Francisco and the Bay Area. William has added to his portfolio an investment company, Studio 3³ to empower start-ups with micro-lending seed money and to purchase property to provide holistic reentry transitional housing. He’s a member of, The Adachi Project, United Playaz, Marin Shakespeare’s Returning Citizen Theater Troupe, and on the board of the Peace Resource Center (San Diego). After completing the Freedman Policy/Communication Fellowship, he worked on the Thea Selby CA Assembly campaign. He's the Editor of the East County North Star newspaper. He credits living in San Francisco and being appointed to the Reentry Council’s Sentencing Commission and Sheriff Department Oversight Board for providing the opportunity to exercise his civic duties.

Julie D. Soo, President (October 2023 – Present)

Julie D. Soo is a senior staff counsel with the California Department of Insurance and is charged with prosecuting enforcement cases among her regulatory duties. In 2017, she prevailed in a $12 million settlement against a surplus line insurer, one of the largest of its kind for the Department. She volunteers for a variety of community causes, including addressing hate crimes, civil rights education, campaign work, and community health advocacy. Julie served on the San Francisco Commission on the Status of Women (SFCOSW) from 2009 to 2021 and is a past president. She is active with the California Democratic Party and served as a delegate from 2001 to 2023, including on its Executive Board as a co-chair and lead co-chair of the Platform Committee for eight terms and as chair of the Asian Pacific Islander Caucus for two terms. Julie also served nine years on the Board of Trustees for Saint Francis Memorial Hospital. She has also served and advised the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association’s Civil Rights Committee. A fourth-generation San Franciscan, she is a Lowell High School alumna and holds an A.B. with a double major in Pure Mathematics and Statistics from U.C. Berkeley, an M.A. in Applied Mathematics from U.C. San Diego, and a J.D. from Golden Gate University School of Law.

Prior to law, Julie engaged in pension actuarial science, insurance underwriting, and was a medical economist. Julie is well-known for her past work as a journalist with AsianWeek, a pan-Asian national weekly based in San Francisco, where she covered breaking stories, provided legal and political commentary, and wrote about Asian American history and notable figures. She appeared on New California Media, a public television news roundtable for California’s ethnic news community, and served as a guest host for Voice of the Neighborhood, a political radio talk show targeted to the Bay Area Cantonese-speaking community. She was selected as a 2006 California Endowment Health Journalism fellow based on her story about a Chinatown shooting where six youths were wounded and her discovery that San Francisco’s leading trauma center lacked interpreters past late evening hours to help non-English proficient patients and families. The story caught the attention of the Mayor, Chief of Police, and hospital administrators and led to policy changes. Julie has also served as a legislative aide and advisor to members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

Julie has received awards for her community work: Women Making History Award (2004), Democratic Women’s Forum of San Francisco; Vagina Warrior Award (2012), Filipina Women’s Network; Outstanding Giving Back Award (2013), Asian Women’s Resource Center; Best Community Leader Award (2015), Korean American Journalists Association; Inspiring Leadership Award (2018), San Francisco Collaborative Against Human Trafficking (SFCAHT); and, Woman Warrior Award (2019), Pacific Asian American Women Bay Area Coalition (PAAWBAC).

She believes in storytelling and shared experiences as a means of building unity and has been a producer and advisor on documentary films. Julie has conversational abilities in Cantonese and has studied Mandarin to further her community work.

Jayson Wechter, President (September 2022 – September 2023)

Jayson Wechter is a leader in the field of civilian oversight of law enforcement and a nationally recognized expert regarding oversight investigations. He helped establish San Francisco’s Department of Police Accountability (then known as the Office of Citizen Complaints) in 1983 and campaigned for the creation of the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department Oversight Board (SDOB) and Office of Inspector before being appointed to the SDOB and becoming its inaugural President.

Mr. Wechter has over 40 years of investigative experience in the public and private sector, including over 20 years doing oversight investigations at the Department of Police Accountability, the Oakland Community Police Review Agency, and the Berkeley Office of the Director of Police Accountability. He also worked as an investigator for the San Francisco Public Defender’s Office and in the private sector as a legal investigator. Mr. Wechter serves on the Board of Directors of the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement (NACOLE), the nation’s preeminent organization and resource for oversight practitioners and supporters. Mr. Wechter has been actively involved with NACOLE since 2003 and was the recipient of its 2022 Contribution to Oversight Award for his decades of work advancing and supporting effective oversight of law enforcement.

Mr. Wechter wrote NACOLE’s Qualification Standards for Oversight Investigators and Supervising Investigators, drafted much of its Recommended Training for Board and Commission Members and played a major role in writing NACOLE’s Code of Ethics, which has been adopted by dozens of oversight agencies around the U.S. Mr. Wechter chairs NACOLE’s Training, Education and Standards committee and hosts NACOLE’s monthly Investigators Forum, where oversight investigators from around the U.S. share information about resources and training opportunities, discuss issues and problems they encounter and offer mutual support to their colleagues.

Mr. Wechter has conducted NACOLE trainings on effective oversight practices for board and commission members, elected officials, and community members in California, New York, Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin, Iowa, Virginia and Vermont, as well as doing regular trainings for NACOLE’s annual conferences and webinars.

Mr. Wechter earned the Certified Practitioner of Oversight designation from NACOLE. He is also a Certified Legal Investigator, Certified Criminal Defense Investigator, and Certified Force Science Analyst.