Report an issue with a parking or traffic sign

Report a speed limit, permit parking, street name, street cleaning, stop sign or other sign in need of repair.

What to know

Response time

Inspection within 1 to 5 business days. Repairs to start within 30 calendar days.

What to do

To report a damaged or malfunctioning traffic signal, please call 311 for quicker response.

1. Fill out a form

Tell us what sign needs repair and where it is. 

We will need:

  • The location
  • The type of sign
  • The status of the sign (for example the type of damage or other issue such as a missing or defaced sign)
  • That status of the pole

Include a photo of the sign and where it is located to assist with investigation and response by the appropriate agency. 

2. Track your case

After you report, you will get a tracking number from 311. You can use this number, and your email address if provided, to track your case online or on the SF311 mobile app

Special cases

Private, State, and Federal signs

With this report, we are only able to handle requests related to signs that are under City jurisdiction. Any requests related to privately owned signs and State or Federal signs cannot be serviced through this report and will be closed. 

For privately owned signs that are posted illegally, use this report for illegal postings instead

For State or Federal signs such as those on freeways, highways, and ramps, please contact them directly to ensure your request is received.

If you are unsure of whose jurisdiction the sign falls under, submit the report to us at 311 and we will look at your report to determine.

Other ways to report

Call 311 to make a report

415-701-2311 if calling from outside San Francisco

For TTY, press 7

Use our Mobile App

Download our mobile app to report a problem and track your request! Available on Android or iOS.

Learn more about the SF311 mobile app.

Get help


415-701-2311 if you are calling from outside of San Francisco For TTY, press 7