Report a City department for not providing translation or interpretation

File a Language Access Ordinance complaint if you could not get adequate language services in your language.

What to do

The City must give you written materials in Chinese, Spanish or Filipino, not just English. You can also request materials in your language. 

You can ask for an interpreter to help you with city meetings, hearings, and services.

You can report translations that you can not understand.

1. Fill out the form

2. Send in the form

Complete the form online.

You can also speak to someone on the phone.

Office of Civic Engagement and Immigrant Affairs (OCEIA)

3. Hear back from us

We’ll tell you what happened within 30 days, if you give us your email or phone number. 

You can report without giving your name. But if you don’t give us your name we can not ask you questions or tell you what happened.

Why do we make sure the City is offering translations and interpreters?

It’s important to make sure all departments are providing language access. So we report every year on Language Access in San Francisco.

Get help




Office of Civic Engagement and Immigrant Affairs

1155 Market Street, First Floor

San Francisco, CA 94103



Last updated September 7, 2023