Trauma informed systems (TIS) initiative

Heal organizations by learning about trauma and trauma-informed practices.

Trauma is a pervasive, long-lasting, public health issue that affects our public health workforce and system. The TIS Initiative at the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) supports organizations in creating contexts that nurture and sustain trauma-informed practices. Watch this video to learn more about TIS Initiative. Learn more about adverse childhood experiences.

Trauma 101

We offer Trauma Informed Systems 101 - Transforming Stress and Trauma: Fostering Wellness and Resilience is our foundational 3.5 hour training for all staff members. The training’s Learning Objectives are:

  • Understand effects of chronic stress and trauma on our lives, our brains, and our bodies
  • Learn how race and culture intersect with trauma to impact individual, organizational, and community health
  • Understand and apply principles of trauma-informed systems
  • Learn strategies to develop individual & organizational resilience in order to create and maintain more healthy, trauma-informed responses in workplace relationships

Trauma 101 Training Registration TBA

Implementation science

Implementation science makes sure that training and education leads to change in organizational practices and policy. When organizations commit to participating in TIS, they commit to:

  • Adopting the 6 principles of trauma-informed systems and being willing to have vulnerable conversations about how these principles exist in the work place
  • Leading from a trauma-informed lens
  • Embedding TIS trainers within their organizations as content experts
  • Supporting an internal team of TIS catalysts and champions who plan, implement and support activities that promote organizational healing
  • Enhancing organizational programs, practices and policies to reflect the six principles of trauma-informed systems
  • Collaborating and aligning efforts within and across systems and sectors
  • Evaluating efforts continuously

Trauma Transformed (T2)

Trauma Transformed (T2) is an initiative involving 7 bay area counties working together to understand, respond to, and heal trauma. T2 helps implement, sustain, and improve services for children and youth affected by trauma. Participating counties include:

  • Alameda
  • Contra Costa
  • Marin
  • San Mateo
  • Santa Clara
  • Santa Cruz
  • San Francisco
Last updated May 23, 2024