Redistricting Task Force Bylaws

Bylaws for the San Francisco Redistricting Task Force


Section 1.        Contact Information.

Mailing address:

1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

City Hall , Room 244

San Francisco, CA  94102-4689

Telephone number: (415) 554-5184

E-mail address:


Section 2.        Authority and Legal Requirements.

San Francisco Charter section 13.110(d) governs the creation and operation of the Redistricting Task Force ("Task Force").  On June 22, 2021, the Board of Supervisors approved Ordinance No. 94-21, convening the Task Force. The operations of the Task Force is governed by the California Public Records Act (Cal. Govt. Code §§ 6250 et seq.), the Ralph M. Brown Act (Cal. Govt. Code §§ 54950 et seq.) – and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance (Admin. Code Chapter 67) as applicable.


The Task Force's purpose is to redraw the City's supervisorial district boundaries in a manner that satisfies all applicable legal requirements, including the San Francisco Charter, the Federal Voting Rights Act, and the United States Constitution.


Section 1.        Residency Requirement.

At all times during their service, Task Force members shall be legal residents of the City and County of San Francisco.

Section 2.        Term of Office and Vacancies.

Members of the Task Force shall serve until the Task Force completes its duties in connection with the 2020 decennial census, as set forth in Charter section 13.110(d).  Any vacancies occurring in the voting membership of the Task Force shall be filled by the appointing authority for the seat which becomes vacant.

Section 3.        Compensation and Benefits.

Task Force members shall serve without compensation or benefits.


Section 1.        Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson.

The Task Force shall designate two of its members to serve as Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson respectively.  If a vacancy occurs in either office, the Task Force shall elect a new officer by majority vote of the Task Force's full membership at its next regular meeting.

Section 2.        Chairperson's and Vice-Chairperson's Duties.

The Chairperson shall preside at all Commission meetings when present.  The Chairperson, with the advice and input of the other Task Force members, shall prepare the agenda for all meetings.

In the Chairperson's absence, the Vice-Chairperson shall preside at Task Force meetings and carry out the Chairperson's duties.  In the absence of both the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, the Task Force shall elect a Chairperson pro tem who shall preside at the Task Force meeting.


Section 1.        Clerk.

The Clerk to the Task Force ("Clerk") shall be the person designated by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.  The Clerk shall attend all Task Force meetings.  The Clerk shall be responsible for the proper recording of all Task Force actions, correspondence, agendas, meeting minutes, and other duties assigned by the Task Force's Chairperson.  The Clerk shall also be responsible for transmitting communications between the Task Force and members of the public.


Section 1.        Meeting Times and Locations.

The Task Force shall convene its regular meetings on the first Monday and second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm.  Special meetings may be held at other places, dates or times, subject to notice requirements.

Section 2.        Notice of Meetings.

Notices and agendas of all Task Force meetings shall be posted at the San Francisco Main Library, on the Task Force's webpage, and transmitted by mail or e-mail to each Task Force member and any person who files a written request for such notice with the Clerk.

Notice of Task Force shall be posted five days before the meeting time. 

Section 3.        Voting.

For a motion or other action to be adopted by the Task Force, it must receive a majority vote of the Task Force's membership.  All motions require a second before a vote by the Task Force.  Each member present at a Task Force meeting shall vote yes or no when a question is presented, unless excused from voting because of a conflict of interest or by a motion adopted by the Task Force.  No voting by proxy may be allowed.

Section 4.        Public Comment.

The Task Force shall encourage public comment.  In general, any member of the public may address the Task Force once for up to three minutes on any agenda item.  The Chairperson may limit the time to less than three minutes per agenda item based on such factors as the nature of the item, the number of anticipated speakers for the item, and the anticipated duration of other

agenda items.  In all instances, the Task Force must apply time limits uniformly to members of the public.

The Task Force shall grant additional time for public comment from members of the public who require the use of a translator.

Section 5.        Meeting Minutes.

The Task Force shall record minutes of each meeting and post them online after they are approved.  Whenever practicable, the Task Force shall approve the minutes for given meeting at the following meeting.

Section 6.        Closed Sessions.

Under limited circumstances, the Task Force may hold closed sessions during its public meetings to discuss and act on matters such as pending litigation.

Upon consultation with the City Attorney's Office, and after determination a closed session is both authorized and appropriate, the Chairperson may schedule a closed session.  Closed sessions are subject to all applicable notice and posting requirements.

Section 7.        Attendance.

Except in the event of a notified absence, each voting member of the Task Force is expected to attend each Task Force meeting.

The Clerk shall maintain a record of attendance and shall report all absences to the member's appointing authority.  Any Task Force member who misses three regular meetings within a six-month period without the express approval of the Task Force at or before each missed meeting shall be deemed to have resigned from the Task Force 10 days after the third unapproved absence.

Section 8.        Robert's Rules of Order.

On parliamentary matters not addressed in these bylaws, subject to the Chairperson's discretion, the Task Force may follow the procedures set forth in the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order (Newly Revised), unless it conflicts with City or State meeting laws.


The Task Force may amend these Bylaws by majority vote of the full Task Force after circulating the proposed amendments at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting where a motion to amend is to be made.


Section 1.        Outside Communications

Members receiving outside communications regarding redistricting that the member construes as material should forward those messages to the Clerk.

Last updated May 19, 2022