How we'll achieve our goals
Quality: Improve our system by strengthening operations and outcomes
Quantity: Increase the amount of resources available
Decrease homelessness
Reduce the number of people who are unsheltered by 50% and reduce the total number of people experiencing homelessness by 15%.
Reduce racial inequities and other disparities
Demonstrate measurable reductions in racial inequities and other disparities in the experience of homelessness and the outcomes of City programs for preventing and ending homelessness.
Increase number of people exiting homelessness
Actively support at least 30,000 people to move from homelessness into permanent housing.
Support people to succeed in housing
Ensure that at least 85% of people who exit homelessness do not experience it again.
Prevent homelessness
Provide prevention services to at least 18,000 people at risk of losing their housing and becoming homeless.
Home by the Bay: An Equity-Driven Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness in San Francisco is the citywide strategic plan guiding the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing’s work from 2023 to 2028. Today we are pleased to unveil the year one progress report that showcases our achievements in the first year of this ambitious plan and outlines our priorities for year 2.
The progress report shows:
The progress report also notes that HSH is making progress on the system expansion goals, including:
But our work is not done. In year 2 of the implementation of Home by the Bay, we will focus on 12 core initiatives, on developing strategies for specific subpopulations of people experiencing homelessness, and will continue to build on our authentic engagement of people with lived experiences of homelessness to guide this work.
Check out the Year One Progress report PPT here and the full report here.
Our yearly progress reports highlight our achievements and benchmarks.
We are focused on structural work to effect change, like:
This action area is tied to Goal 2: Reducing Racial Inequities and other Disparities.
The actions in this area will improve the overall quality of the homelessness response system’s infrastructure and flow.
This action area is tied to every goal in the Strategic Plan.
Our work in this area will focus on improving services for people on the street.
This action area is tied to Goal 1: Decreasing Homelessness and Unsheltered Homelessness.
Actions in this area will increase the quality and quantity of housing options.
This action area is tied to Goal 1: Decreasing Homelessness and Unsheltered Homelessness, Goal #3: Increasing Exits from Homelessness, and Goal #4: Supporting Success in Housing.
These actions will stop more people from having a housing crisis in the first place.
This action area is tied to Goal 5: Preventing Homelessness.
Leading with a focus on racial equity and housing justice, we're strengthening the Homelessness Response System through 5 action areas.
Developed with active community engagement/stakeholder input processes and with the partnership of people with lived expertise of homelessness:
Used the best available data to project how changing the mix and scale of a packaged investment of shelter, housing, and prevention services will impact homelessness.
We continue to work towards our vision of making homelessness a rare, brief, and one-time experience.
Home by the Bay: An Equity-Driven Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness in San Francisco is the citywide strategic plan guiding the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing’s work from 2023 to 2028.