Get public records from SF Public Health

Get public records, medical records or serve subpoenas to the Department of Public Health

What to do

Request a public record

Give a brief description of the record you want.

Be sure to tell us:

  • The record title
  • A date or date range for the record (if known)
  • Your name and contact information

Response times:

DPH has 10 calendar days to respond to a public records request.

Under certain circumstances, we may add 14 calendar days to our response time.

We will let you know in writing within the first 10 days why we need the extension and give you an estimated response date.

Special cases

Submit an Immediate Disclosure Request

Immediate Disclosure Requests are requests for faster handling. DPH must respond to these requests by the close of the next business day after we get the request.

To submit a request online:

Start your request here

To submit a request by email:

Address your email to:

Title it "Immediate Disclosure Request"

To submit a request by U.S. Mail:

Address your request to:

Custodian of Public Records
Department of Public Health
1145 Market Street
SF, CA 94103

include the words "Immediate Disclosure Request":

  • Across the top of your request
  • On the envelope

About the Sunshine Ordinance and California Public Records Act

The DPH public records request process is structured in accordance with the SF Sunshine Ordinance and the California Public Records Act

We believe in the right of citizens to access information concerning the conduct of their government. Our goal is to conduct all activities with full transparency and openness. 

Request medical records

Medical records can be requested in the following ways: 

  • By telephone at 628-206-8622
  • Fax request to 628-206-8623
  • Visit the Medical Records Office in person at 1001 Potrero Ave, Building 5, 2nd Floor, Room 2B. 

Submit a subpoena

All subpoenas must be served per the California Evidence Code. No subpoenas concerning personal matters will be accepted. In accordance with San Francisco Charter Section 3.100, all Complaints, Summonses, Writs, Subpoenas, and any other pleadings or documents that are required to be personally served, must be hand-delivered to the Mayor’s Office at Office #200 of City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B Goodlett Place, San Francisco 94102. 

  • Subpoenas for Medical Records: Email, fax (628) 206-7599, or call (628) 206-8622. 
  • Subpoenas for Hospital/Facility Billing Records: Email  
  • Subpoenas for deposition, hearing or trial: Email to set up an appointment to serve the subpoena in-person, along with a $15 check for the production fee and $275 witness fee, payable to SFDPH. 
  • Subpoenas for Physician Billing Records: Email or via phone at (415) 502-8162. 
  • Subpoenas for Radiology Records: Fax to (628) 206-8946.  
  • All other subpoenas: In person to Office #200 at City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B Goodlett Place, San Francisco 94102, along with a $15 check for the production fee and $275 witness fee, payable to SFDPH. 

Looking for birth, death or marriage records?

Birth and death certificates from the past 3 years can be obtained from the Department of Public Health Office of Vital Records.   

Birth and death certificates older than 3 years can be obtained from the Office of the County Clerk. 

Records concerning marriage or dissolution of marriage are not kept by the Department of Public Health. Marriage certificates can be obtained from the Office of the Assessor-Recorder. Dissolution of marriage certificates can be obtained from the Superior Court of California. 

Get help


San Francisco Department of Public Health1145 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Get directions

Mon - Fri, 8am to 5pm