Gather documents for your building permit issuance

Bring these documents to get your building permit issued.

What to know

Required for Over-the-Counter or In-house permits

Bring these documents for all building permit issuance. For Over-the-Counter permits, drop-in with Initial Permit Review (IPR). For In-house permits, schedule with Central Permit Bureau (CPB) by email.

All documents must be currently valid

We do not accept any expired documents.

What to do

Only property owners, state-licensed contractors, or their agents may apply for a building permit. A tenant cannot pull a permit without written authorization from the property owner (Property Owner's Disclosures Form).

During your permitting process, you have filled out multiple forms about your role, the project, and the property.

We need to see all of these forms and other information to issue your building permit.

1. Gather your forms

Complete the form for your role on the project.

For projects that require sign or lobby posting, bring:

2. Gather your contractor’s information or complete owner-builder forms

We must verify information about your contractor to issue your building permit. 

Bring these contractor materials:

  • Certificate of Workman’s Compensation Insurance Coverage
  • San Francisco business license
  • State of California contractor’s license and classification (known as a pocket card)

For owner-builders

If you’re a property owner and doing the work yourself, fill out the Property Owner's Disclosures form.

If you recently acquired the building, bring the recorded grant deed or the property tax statement.

Owner-builder (LLC)

If you are an LLC member who wants to pull the permit as an Owner Builder, you must prove that you are an owner.

Provide written proof of partnership from the LLC or verification of names on LLC from the California Secretary of State business resource.

For tenants

A tenant of a building cannot pull a permit unless they are an agent for either the property owner or contractor. Complete the authorized agent form in the Property Owner's Disclosures.

3. Get an authorization letter and Final Declaration form

If you are not the owner, you must have the owner fill out the “Authorization of agent” section on the second page of the Property Owner's Disclosures. It must be dated within the past 30 days.

If you are an agent of a contractor, you must have the contractor fill out the “Authorization of agent” section on the Licensed Contractor’s Statement form. It must be dated within the past 30 days. You must also bring proof of the contractor’s State of California contractor license and classification (an image of the contractor's identification for signature verification will be required).

You also need to provide a Final Declaration form to confirm all the necessary disclosures have been submitted and the property owner has authorized the project.

4. Bring cash, check, or a Visa or Master credit card

We only accept payment from the authorized agent or property owner.

5. Bring proof of identification

Bring a government-issued ID, like your Driver’s License, state-issued ID card, alien registration card, passport or form notarization.

6. Get your issued permit

For In-House permits, email us to schedule an appointment.

For Over-the-Counter permits, come to the Permit Center and join the Qless queue.

Permit Center49 South Van Ness
2nd floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
Get directions
Monday to
Tuesday to
Wednesday to
Thursday to
Friday to

See hours for specific counters.

Special cases


For State Industrial Safety Permit 

No walk-ins. Call for an appointment.

Location: 455 Golden Gate Avenue, 9th Floor Room 9516, San Francisco, CA 94102

Phone: (415) 557-0300


Green Halo Construction Waste Tracking

For Material Reduction Recovery Plans (MRRP’s), contact the Environment Department

Location: 1155 Market St, 3rd Floor, Attn: C&D Debris Recovery Team, SF, CA 94103 

Phone: (415) 355-3799


Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)

“J” Number, issued by Bay Area Air Quality Management District for: Demolition Permit (Form 6) and/or Asbestos Removal Work

Location: 939 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA 94109

Phone: 415-749-4762

Business tax registration certificate

If your business tax registration has expired, you must renew it before we can issue your permit.

If you do not have your business tax registration certificate, pick it up from:

Treasurer and Tax Collector Office
City Hall, Room 140
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

Get help


Over-the-counter permits

In-house permits on paper

In-house permits with EPR