Contract Development and Certification Process
Step by step on how contracts are certified
Contract pre-negotiation and negotiation
Involves the System of Care (SOC) Program Manager, Contracts Development and Technical Assistance Program Manager, Budget Analyst, Contract Analyst and Contractor
Release of funding notification
Issued by Budget Analyst
Contractor submits contract documents to CDTA Program Manager
Needs to be submitted by or before the due date listed in the funding notification letter, page 1
Approved As and Bs
are reviewed by
- Budget and Fiscal Cost Report (only for BHS contracts)
- Processed by the Contracts Unit
Legal agreement is finalized with supporting documentation
Contract Analyst will send a copy of the contract to the Contractor
Contractor signs contract
via Docusign
Signed contract goes to Office of Contract Administration (OCA)
Contract Analyst approves and sends to OCA for review
City Attorney
Reviews and approves contract
DPH Director
Reviews and approves contract
Office of Contract Management (OCA)
Reviews and approves contract
Contract is certified and sent back to DPH Analyst
DPH Contract Analyst certifies the contract
Contract is entered into financial system
DPH Contracts Analyst enters contract into system
DPH Accounting and the Controller's Office Approves
DPH Contracts Analyst routes to Accounting and Controller's Office
PO and Invoice Templates are issued
Done by DPH Budget and Finance Office