Resources & References

BHS Compliance facilitates processes for communication, education accessing resources


Behavioral Health Services Policies and Procedures
General policy and procedure documents for the BHS Managed Care Plan and Systems of Care.
DPH Privacy Policies
On this page, you will find current DPH wide privacy policies.
DPH Compliance Policies
On this page, you will find current DPH wide compliance policies.
Provider Billing Library
Billing resources for providers partnering with San Francisco County Behavioral Health Services.
Contract Development and Technical Assistance (CDTA)
We facilitate the development of City contracts with health service providers, thus ensuring the availability of community services.
Performance Objectives
How to meet the requirements for your contract with the Department of Public Health
California State Medicaid Plan
The contract between Federal CMS and State DHCS--it's a "boilerplate"--only includes limited mandatory behavioral health benefits (inpatient hospital). There are optional benefits that a state can include in their State Plan (e.g., prescription drugs). California's State Plan includes the "Other Diagnostic, Screening, Preventive, and Rehabilitative Care (aka "Rehab Option).
DHCS Waivers
California uses the 1915(b) Waiver to implement the SMHS program.
Mental Health Plan (MHP) Contract
The contract between State DHCS and County--it's a "boilerplate", and the contract period is about 5 years. The contract defines the responsibilities of the County as a "plan" (a Medicaid Managed Care Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan) --includes Compliance ("Program Integrity").
Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS) Intergovernmental Agreement (IA)
The contract (intergovernmental agreement) between State DHCS and County--it's a "boilerplate", and the contract period is about 5 years. The contract defines the responsibilities of the County as a "plan".
Managed Care Plan
The contract between DHCS and the Medicaid managed care health plans.
MOU for Kaiser
In San Francisco, there are three managed care health plans: (1) SF Health Plan (Public); (2) Anthem Partnership (Private); (3) Kaiser (direct contract - foster care).
County Claims Customer Services Library
These documents are revised periodically by DHCS which cover SMHS Billing Manual, DMC-ODS Billing Manual, Medi-Cal Aid Codes, and Medi-Cal Rates.
Information Notices-Behavioral Health
Information notices are the mechanism by which DHCS updates contract terms and establishes policy guidance for Counties.
IN 24-001 (ODS Program Requirements)
The IN is directed to County Behavioral Health Plans and DMC/ODS providers. The document communicates the updated ODS program requirements for the period of 2022 – 2026. Note—this supersedes IN 23-001. Specifically—the ODS program requirements document now aligns to (“matches up with”) our CalAIM related laws (WIC 14184.402), DHCS IN Policy Letters (e.g., IN 23-068) and Amendments to our State Plan (e.g., SPA 23-006). with CalAIM. The 35-page document includes the list of covered DMC-ODS services, the MAT policy, etc.
IN 23-068 (CalAIM Chart Documentation Standards)
Effective 1/1/2024 - The IN is directed to County Behavioral Health Plans and providers of SMHS, DMC, and DMC/ODS services. The IN communicates a major update to the CalAIM chart documentation IN #22-019 (i.e., the chart documentation guidance in effect from 7/1/22 through 12/31/2023). In this updated IN #23-068, additional details are provided about requirements for Standardized Assessments, SMHS Assessments, Problem Lists, Progress Notes, Treatment and Care Planning, and Telehealth Consent.
IN 23-013 (CalAIM Payment Reform)
Effective 7/1/2023 -The IN is directed to Behavioral Health Plans and provides information and tools to help Counties ensure they are ready and prepared to implement payment reform elements that include: (1) use of CPT codes where possible; (2) use a fee schedule (comprehensive list of activities and fees) to be reimbursed; (3) use “Intergovernmental Transfers” to draw down federal funds.
IN 22-017 (Concurrent UM Acute Inpatient Hospital)
Effective 4/15/2022 - the information notice describes the requirement for Behavioral Health Plans to implement Concurrent UM activities in specific settings (e.g., Acute Inpatient Psych Hospital, Psychiatric Health Facilities, etc.).
IN 22-011 (No Wrong Door-SMHS)
Effective 7/1/22 - This information notice is directed to County MHPs, administrators and staff that ensures all beneficiaries to receive timely mental health services without delay regardless of the delivery system where they seek care, and that beneficiaries are able to maintain treatment relationships with trusted providers without interruption.
IN 21-073 (CalAIM SMHS Medical Necessity)
Effective 1/1/2022 - This information notice is directed toward the County MHP administrators and SMHS Organizational Providers. This document communicates the new definition of medical necessity and the new criteria for both children and adults’ medical necessity. These new definitions and criteria are effective 01/01/2022.
National Drug Codes
Published by DHCS - this list is updated monthly and includes drugs listed on the Medi-Cal Rx Contract Drugs List (CDL), as well as drugs not listed on the CDL.
National Coding Compliance Scheme
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) promotes national correct coding methodologies and reduces improper coding, with the overall goal of reducing improper payments of Medicare Part B and Medicaid claims.
List of IMDs
The list of IMDs (including STRTPs) are posted at the MH Licensing Section.