Complete a plan for your business for the OEWD Storefront Opportunity Grant

You must fill out a business plan if you are applying to the OEWD Storefront Opportunity Grant.

How to use

Businesses must complete a business plan to apply for the Storefront Opportunity Grant. Your answers should be at least 100 words. You must answer all questions. Business plans that do not meet that criteria will be disqualified. If possible, please type your business plan.

You will be asked to upload a copy of your business plan during the application process.

If you have questions or need help with your Business Plan, email



Business Plan Template for Storefront Opportunity Grant in English

Business Plan Template for Storefront Opportunity Grant in English


Business Plan Template for Storefront Opportunity Grant in Chinese

Business Plan Template for Storefront Opportunity Grant in Chinese


Business Plan Template for Storefront Opportunity Grant in Spanish

Business Plan Template for Storefront Opportunity Grant in Spanish


Business Plan Template for Storefront Opportunity Grant in Tagalog

Business Plan Template for Storefront Opportunity Grant in Tagalog