Exclusion Zone Procedures
Instructions regarding local vehicle and pedestrian traffic access around Moscone Center
Moscone Security Zone Overview
Moscone Center Vehicle Exclusion Zone / Local Traffic Only (Green Zone) Procedures
Public not attending APEC
For the vast majority, all public who are not attending APEC may access their residences and businesses along the secure fenced area on foot. However, individuals seeking pedestrian access to any of the businesses located from Mission St, down to Howard St. between 3rd St. and New Montgomery St. must first go to Jessie Square and receive a bag inspection before being guided down a ‘chute’ along 3rd St. and being allowed to cross 3rd St. via the crosswalk in front of the SF MoMa where they can then proceed to their respective destinations.
Public not attending APEC seeking access to the Metreon must also go to Jessie Square and receive a bag inspection before being guided down a chute directly into the Metreon. There is an additional pedestrian access checkpoint on Folsom street at Hawthorne street for commercial properties and businesses along Folsom street between Hawthorne street and 3rd street. This additional checkpoint is for public accessing those commercial businesses only.
The pedestrian access point at 5th street and Howard street is limited to attendees of the APEC CEO Summit only.
Those public entering Jessie Square or Hawthorne street at Folsom street, with mobility devices will have their mobility device inspected while undergoing screening. Public entering these inspection areas to frequent business establishments within the restricted pedestrian access area should expect items which are normally disallowed at commercial airports to be disallowed during these inspections. Public not attending APEC accessing the secure perimeters in these respective manners must also exit in the same direction. Additional time to walk should be built into these individual’s commute times.
The procedures for businesses seeking deliveries are as follows:
- All drivers must have a valid driver’s license rated for the vehicle they are operating.
- All deliveries entering a United States Secret Service (USSS) security perimeter must go through the Remote Delivery Site (RDS) / Commercial Vehicle Screening site (CVS) located at Pier 27. This process will not exclude goods and services from being delivered but will delay the arrival. Any vehicle larger than a family van must be screened at the RDS. A vehicles the size of a family van or smaller will not need to go through RDS processing. Vans equipped with a wheelchair lift/ramp will not need to go through RDS processing.
- The RDS will be open starting November 14 at 2000 hours and continue operations until the conclusion of the event on November 18 at 2200 hours.
- All deliveries, trash services, etc., are expected to occur in the overnight and early morning hours beginning at 2200. The last admittance for deliveries and services into the secure zone will be at 0500 and all deliveries and services must be complete by 0700.
- All STANDARD deliveries and services must be completed prior to 2000 on the night of 11/14. The security perimeter will be closed on 11/14 from 2100 to approximately 0600 for the security sweep.
- Exigent circumstances will be facilitated on a case-by-case basis.
- Upon completion of the screening process, all delivery vehicles will be sealed and must proceed directly to the vehicle checkpoint on 5th and Mission St. for delivery. You will encounter police vehicles at the mouth of the street where you must state your purpose. If vehicles arrive at the checkpoint with a broken seal, they will be required to return to the RDS/CVS to be re-screened.
- After a seal-check and an additional sweep of the vehicle and the driver by checkpoint personnel, the driver will be escorted by a USSS special agent in a vehicle to their respective delivery location. If there are multiple deliveries to be made within the exclusion zone, the USSS escort will facilitate the truck getting to those locations.
- The unloading of shipments should be completed expeditiously in order to remove the vehicle from the secure area as soon as possible. Trucks and vehicles making deliveries cannot be parked and stored overnight unless it is in an area outside of the fenced secure area. All vehicles must leave the secure area as soon as the delivery is complete.
- The vehicle will be escorted by a USSS special agent out of the site following completion of the delivery.
The procedures for SFMTA/Transdev paratransit access are as follows:
- All drivers must have a valid driver’s license rated for the vehicle they are operating. In addition, they must have had their name submitted in advance and be prepared to be checked against an authorized driver list on arrival. This procedure applies to individuals with pre-approved paratransit application on file with SFMTA.
- All shuttles must arrive at one of the vehicle checkpoints, either on 5th & Mission St., New Montgomery & Jessie St., or Folsom St. just north of 5th St. Expect to encounter a police vehicle at the mouth of the street entrances who may ask you to state your purpose.
- After a sweep of the vehicle and the driver by checkpoint personnel, the shuttle will be escorted by a USSS special agent in a vehicle to their respective pickup/drop-off location.
- With limited exceptions to accommodate ADA riders, shuttles are expected not to linger for late riders and to be as expeditious as possible in their duties.
- The shuttle will be escorted by a USSS special agent out of the site following pickup/drop-off.
Meals on Wheels/Doordash/hot food Delivery:
Unfortunately, due to immutable security factors, we cannot accommodate hot food delivery via vehicle (‘vehicle’ is herein defined as a mode of transportation requiring a valid license plate), in most of the vehicular exclusion zone.
However, Doordash and other hot food delivery may be facilitated for the vehicular exclusion zone via special loading zones created by the City of San Francisco on:
- Howard, south side, west of 5th Street
- Harrison, south side, west of Hawthorne
Delivery agents may leave their vehicles in these loading zones which are outside the vehicular exclusion zone, subject to local regulations and laws. Hot food delivery services are encouraged to work with the city, private businesses and customers to create a plan to walk or cart the food to the address(es) in question. A hot food delivery need only cart their delivery approximately one block for most, if not all locations being serviced. The delivery vehicle in question must remain outside of the vehicle exclusionary zone and will not be allowed entrance by the marked police cruisers at the mouths of the roads. Delivery vehicles will not be allowed to park directly in front of, or near to the mouths of the vehicle exclusionary zones and should seek a place to park outside of the vehicle exclusion zone. Please study our maps and plan your deliveries in advance to be as efficient as possible. All hot food delivery via vehicle needs to be completed prior to 8 PM on
Unfortunately, due to immutable security factors, we cannot accommodate passenger pickup or drop-off via private vehicle for most of the vehicular exclusion zone. However, supportive personal transportation for the elderly and people with disabilities may be facilitated for the vehicular exclusion zone via special loading zones at:
- Howard, south side, west of 5th Street
- Harrison, south side, west of Hawthorne
Drivers may leave their vehicles in that loading area to enter the pedestrian access if needed to pick up patrons, subject to local regulations and laws. Much like food delivery, most pedestrians need only walk approximately a block to access any residences or businesses if their driver properly plans their route out in advance.
If you have ADA concerns, please have a plan to access assistive devices, such as wheelchairs, canes or walkers. As an ADA alternative, please consider the possibility of utilizing SFMTA shuttles.
Bicycles/Small Scooters/Golf Carts/Modes of transportation that do not use license plates:
Bicycles will be able to enter the vehicle exclusionary zone with limited exceptions. Bicycles, small scooters, and golf carts will NOT be able to traverse within the fencing of the secure perimeter and will be forced onto the sidewalk. Please obey local law enforcement and city codes with regards to the use or disuse of bicycles on the sidewalk. Additionally, please obey local regulations concerning the use of tables, chairs or other items impeding public ingress/egress on public sidewalks.
Residents living within the vehicle exclusion zone:
Residents may access their residences within the vehicle exclusion zone on foot and need not enter the restricted pedestrian access zone to access their residences. Residents who live within the vehicle exclusion zone or have purpose visiting a resident living within the vehicle exclusion zone, who are arriving via their automobiles or other vehicle, should arrive from outside the demarcated green line after meeting with a marked police unit at the mouth of their street to state their purpose. These vehicles will be required to undergo a vehicle inspection / sweep at one of the vehicle checkpoints, either on 5th & Mission St., New Montgomery & Jessie St., or Folsom St. just north of 5th St. Following the sweep, these individuals will be authorized to park within garages or parking lots in these residential areas, and they may depart their residences to travel outside of the vehicle exclusion zone without an escort; however, no street parking will be permitted and unattended vehicles may be subject to tow. Residents authorized to park within residential garages or parking lots in residential areas need not go to the RDS for vehicle inspection, unless they are operating a vehicle larger than a family sized van.
- Residents are permitted to have guests; however, it is suggested that non-resident guests utilize the pedestrian accesses granted to residences rather than arriving via automobile or other vehicle. Residents should supply their guests with documentation of their invitation, and residents should respond to vehicle checkpoints, either on 5th & Mission St., New Montgomery & Jessie St., or Folsom St. just north of 5th St., to facilitate the arrival of their guests, if guests are arriving by vehicle.
- Nurses and medical-related services will be admitted. Construction or maintenance contractors will also be authorized; however, the contractor vehicle may require screening at RDS. In all cases, evidence of an appointment is requested.
- Residents and guests are not permitted to park on streets within the fenced perimeter.
Hotel guests within the secure fenced area:
All hotels have and continue to be communicated with independently to customize public traffic in a safe and secure manner. All vehicles that must be driven within the secure fenced area must first report to one of the vehicle checkpoints located at: 5th and Mission (for the Marriott Marquis), New Montgomery & Jessie (for the Palace Hotel, the Four Seasons, the W Hotel, and Hyatt Regency SOMA), or Folsom St. just north of 5th St. (for the Hilton Canopy). Vehicular arrivals to the Intercontinental Hotel will be facilitated through a separate process that has been communicated to the Intercontinental Hotel directly.
Residents and Businesses in the Moscone Security Zone:
- The USSS Moscone coordinators have conducted extensive outreach with business management in the area (hotel managers, private security management, HOA managers, building managers, and private businesses). Residents, patrons, and guests of these establishments should contact their local business manager for further, specific information.
Fairmont Security Zone Overview
Instructions to residents within the vehicle exclusion zone:
- Residents needing access their garage should have their vehicle inspected at a checkpoint on either California/Taylor streets, or Washington/Powell streets. During inspection, the resident will be asked to prove their local residency, and the resident should request an escort to open the fencing at their garage. Several garages are staffed 24 hours by United States Secret Service (USSS) special agents or other law enforcement officers; however, some smaller garages will require an escort.
- Residents seeking to depart their garage should ask the nearest USSS special agent or other law enforcement officer for assistance. The USSS has conducted extensive outreach with business managers, conciergeries, building security managers, and HOA management within the vehicle exclusion zone. Many of these personnel have direct contact information for the USSS coordinators responsible for the Fairmont Security Zone. Residents are encouraged to contact their management who can serve as a liaison for issues such as garage access, as well as emergencies and various exigent circumstances that may arise. USSS Coordinators are in place to assist the community.
Residents may access their residences within the vehicle exclusion zone on foot and need not enter the restricted pedestrian access zone to access their residences. Residents who live within the vehicle exclusion zone or have purpose visiting a resident living within the vehicle exclusion zone, who are arriving via their automobiles or other vehicle, should arrive from outside the demarcated green line after meeting with a marked police unit at the mouth of their street to state their purpose. Residents are requested to show proof of residency at the vehicle checkpoint if arriving by vehicle. Examples can be a California Driver’s License, business mail, etc.
- Residents are permitted to have guests; however, it is suggested that non-resident guests utilize the pedestrian accesses granted to residences rather than arriving via automobile or other vehicle. Residents should supply their guests with documentation of their invitation, and residents should respond to vehicle checkpoints at California/Taylor or Washington/Powell to facilitate the arrival of their guests, if guests are arriving by vehicle.
- Nurses and medical-related services will be admitted. Construction or maintenance contractors will also be authorized; however, the contractor vehicle may require screening at RDS. In all cases, evidence of an appointment is requested.
- Residents and guests are not permitted to park on streets within the fenced perimeter.
The procedures for deliveries to the Fairmont Security Zone are as follows:
- All drivers must have a valid driver’s license rated for the vehicle they are operating.
- All deliveries entering a United States Secret Service (USSS) security perimeter must go through the Remote Delivery Site (RDS) / Commercial Vehicle Screening site (CVS) located at Pier 27. This process will not exclude goods and services from being delivered but will delay the arrival. Any vehicle larger than a family van must be screened at the RDS.
- The RDS will be open starting November 13 at 2000 hours (for Fairmont deliveries) and continue operations until the conclusion of the event on November 18 at 2200 hours.
- All deliveries, trash services, etc., are expected to occur in the overnight and early morning hours beginning at 2200. The last admittance for deliveries and services into the secure zone will be at 0500 and all deliveries and services must be complete by 0700.
- All STANDARD deliveries and services must be completed prior to 2000 on the night of 11/13. The security perimeter will be closed on 11/13 from 2100 to approximately 0600 for the security sweep at the Fairmont.
- Exigent circumstances will be facilitated on a case-by-case basis.
- Upon completion of the screening process, all delivery vehicles will be sealed and must proceed directly to the vehicle checkpoint on Washington Street and Powell Street for delivery. You will encounter police vehicles at the mouth of the street where you must state your purpose. If vehicles arrive at the checkpoint with a broken seal, they will be required to return to the RDS/CVS to be re-screened.
- After a seal-check and an additional sweep of the vehicle and the driver by checkpoint personnel, the driver will be escorted by a USSS special agent in a vehicle to their respective delivery location. If there are multiple deliveries to be made within the exclusion zone, the USSS escort will facilitate the truck getting to those locations.
- The unloading of shipments should be completed expeditiously in order to remove the vehicle from the secure area as soon as possible. Trucks and vehicles making deliveries cannot be parked and stored overnight unless it is in an area outside of the fenced secure area. All vehicles must leave the secure area as soon as the delivery is complete.
- The vehicle will be escorted by a USSS special agent out of the site following completion of the delivery.
The procedures for SFMTA/Transdev paratransit access are as follows:
- All drivers must have a valid driver’s license rated for the vehicle they are operating. In addition, they must have had their name submitted in advance and be prepared to be checked against an authorized driver list on arrival. This procedure applies to individuals with pre-approved paratransit application on file with SFMTA.
- All shuttles must arrive at one of the vehicle checkpoints, either on California/Taylor streets or Washington/Powell streets. Expect to encounter a police vehicle at the mouth of the street entrances who may ask you to state your purpose.
- After a sweep of the vehicle and the driver by checkpoint personnel, the shuttle will be
- escorted by a USSS special agent or other law enforcement officer in a vehicle to their respective pickup/drop-off location.
- With limited exceptions to accommodate ADA riders, shuttles are expected not to linger for late riders and to be as expeditious as possible in their duties.
- The shuttle will be escorted by a USSS special agent or other law enforcement officer out of the site following pickup/drop-off.
Unfortunately, due to immutable security factors, we cannot accommodate passenger pickup or drop-off via private vehicle within the vehicle exclusion zone. Much like food delivery, most pedestrians need only walk approximately a block to access any residences or businesses if their driver properly plans their route out in advance. If you have ADA concerns, please have a plan to access assistive devices, such as wheelchairs, canes or walkers. As an ADA alternative, please consider the possibility of utilizing SFMTA shuttles.
- All taxi, limousine, rideshare apps, carpools, etc. are requested to pick up / drop-off passengers on Taylor Street at the Huntington Park entrance. Pedestrians entering the fenced Fairmont Security Zone must go through screening in Huntington Park.
Meals-on-Wheels/Food Delivery Services:
Unfortunately, due to immutable security factors, we cannot accommodate hot food delivery via vehicle (‘vehicle’ is herein defined as a mode of transportation requiring a valid license plate). Hot food delivery services are encouraged to work with the city, private businesses, and customers to create a plan to walk or cart the food to the address(es) in question. A hot food delivery need only cart their delivery approximately one block for most, if not all locations being serviced. The delivery vehicle in question must remain outside of the vehicle exclusionary zone and will not be allowed entrance by the marked police cruisers at the mouths of the roads. Delivery vehicles will not be allowed to park directly in front of, or near the mouths of the vehicle exclusionary zones and should seek a place to park outside of the vehicle exclusion zone.
Please study our maps and plan your deliveries in advance to be as efficient as possible.
Grocery Delivery Services:
- Groceries delivered via common passenger vehicles will follow the same procedures as Meals-on-Wheels.
- Groceries delivered via larger delivery vans or any vehicle larger than a personally owned minivan will follow the RDS delivery procedures.
Bicycles/Small Scooters/Modes of transportation that do not use license plates:
Bicycles will be able to enter the vehicle exclusionary zone with limited exceptions. Bicycles will NOT be able to traverse within the fencing of the secure perimeter and will be forced onto the sidewalk. Please obey local law enforcement and city codes with regards to the use or disuse of bicycles on the sidewalk.
Hotel Guests:
- The Mark Hopkins InterContinental Hotel, Stanford Court Hotel, and the Pacific-Union Club Hotels are in the Fairmont Security Zone.
- Guests arriving via taxi/rideshare/limousine or other taxi-style service should follow the procedures in the Rideshare/Taxi section. Guests will need to contact their respective hotel to arrange transport of bulk luggage from the checkpoint to their hotel room. Guests are permitted to walk with their luggage; however, luggage cannot be left unattended anywhere in the Fairmont Security Zone.
- Guests arriving via private automobile or rental must be screened at the vehicle checkpoint at the intersection of Taylor St. and California St. Guests must show law enforcement evidence of a hotel reservation. Upon passing inspection, guests must proceed directly to the hotel reception. Those hotel guests entering this area with mobility devices will have their mobility device inspected while undergoing screening. Hotel valet is authorized to park private vehicles in respective hotel garage. Guests utilizing hotel garages for self-parking will need to show evidence of the hotel reservation to enter the garage.
- Due to being in the Fairmont Security Zone, guests of the Mark Hopkins InterContinental Hotel, Stanford Court Hotel, and the Pacific-Union Club Hotel who choose to utilize food delivery services will need to contact their respective hotel concierge for further instruction.
Employees within the Fairmont Security Zone:
- Employees working in the Fairmont Security Zone are requested to park off-site and walk into the secure zone via Huntington Park. The employee is expected to show an employee ID or some form of verification to authenticate need to enter the perimeter.
- If an employee must drive to work, vehicles must be inspected at one of the vehicle checkpoints. Access to the employee parking garage will be facilitated by USSS special agents or law enforcement personnel.
Business managers in the Fairmont Security Zone:
- The USSS Fairmont coordinators have conducted extensive outreach with business management in the area (hotel managers, private security management, HOA managers, building managers, and private businesses). Residents, patrons, and guests of these establishments should contact their local business manager for further, specific information.
- Business managers are expected to be the liaison for miscellaneous issues faced by employees or residents. The USSS Coordinators are in place to provide solutions to unique problems the community may encounter due to the Fairmont Security Zone operations.