MOHCD loan payoff

Here are the instructions on how to submit a loan payoff request to MOHCD.

What to know

Information for lenders

MOHCD loans can be paid off before the loan term ends. Normally, this happens when the owner sells their home or violates our program requirements.

What to do

Request a payoff

1. Complete the  Loan Payoff Request Package

  • The borrower must complete the authorization and W-9, contained in the package.
  • Some loan programs also require a fair market appraisal. See below for appraisal requirements.

2. Compile the form and required documents into one PDF file and then upload

If you are unable to send in your documents online, you can mail your application to:

Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development
Attn: Loan Servicing
1 South Van Ness Ave., 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA  94103

Due to an increase in volume, MOHCD is prioritizing payoff requests that are related to a sale or refinance transaction. For all other requests, MOHCD may take up to 10 business days to process your request. We appreciate your patience.

Continuing restrictions

The mixed income BMR lien cannot be paid off.

Certain restrictions may still apply after the MOHCD loan is paid off. For example, the "Right of First Refusal" requirement will remain on City Second properties after the City Second loan is paid off.

Appraisal requirements

Fair market appraisals must be conducted to Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice standards.

We require the appraisals be performed by qualified appraisers:

  • With a California Certified Appraisal License.
    • AR - Certified Residential License or
    • AG – Certified General License, issued by the Office of Real Estate Appraisers
  • Preferably a member at:
    • MAI level of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers or
    • SRPA level of the Society of Real Estate Appraisers
  • Preferably with experience appraising similar properties in the San Francisco Area

We may also order our own appraisal, at MOHCD’s expense. If the two appraisals do not match, the average of the two will be used to calculate payoff.