Section M: Filing a Complaint (HCSO Administrative Guidance)

Answers from the Filing a Complaint section of the HCSO Administrative Guidance.

1. What do I do if I think my employer has violated the HCSO?

If you have any questions regarding your rights under the HCSO, call (415) 554-7892, or email

If you believe that your employer has violated the HCSO, you may submit an HCSO Complaint Form (PDF) (available in English  Spanish  Chinese PDFs) and you will be contacted by an OLSE investigator.

2. Will my complaint be kept confidential?

Yes, the Office of Labor Standards Enforcement will keep your name and identity confidential to the maximum extent provided by law.

3. What does the OLSE do upon receipt of a complaint?

Upon receipt of a complaint, the OLSE shall determine if the allegations of the complaint are sufficient and either dismiss the complaint or proceed with an investigation.

If the OLSE proceeds with an investigation, the OLSE has the right to engage in random inspections of employment sites, to have access to workers and other witnesses, and to conduct audits of employer records. Employers are required to cooperate with OLSE investigations.

4. What happens if the OLSE determines that an employer violated the HCSO?

The OLSE may order employers who violate the HCSO to take appropriate corrective actions, and make restitution to employees where appropriate, including full payment of Required Health Care Expenditures that an employer failed to make.  Where prompt compliance is not forthcoming, the OLSE may take any appropriate enforcement action to secure compliance, including initiating a civil action, and requesting that City agencies or departments revoke or suspend any registration certificates, permits, or licenses held or requested by the employer or person until such time as the violation is remedied.

The OLSE may also assess administrative penalties.

Updated January 6, 2016