Sign rules in commercial and industrial districts
Learn what types of signs you can put up in commercial and industrial districts and what rules to follow.
There are general rules that apply to all signs in commercial and industrial districts. There are also rules that apply to signs used for specific purposes in commercial and industrial districts.
General rules
The following signs are not allowed in commercial and industrial districts:
- Roof signs, except for historic signs and vintage signs
- Wind signs
- General advertising signs
- Video signs
Your sign cannot have any moving parts (rotating, swinging), except for the rotation of barber poles, the time of day, and temperature.
Your sign cannot have animated lighting (flashing, blinking), except when your property is in a Special District for Sign Illumination.
Business signs
Businesses may have these signs.
Window signs
You may paint a sign or apply a sign directly on the surface of your window glass.
- Number of signs: No limit
- Illumination: None, indirect, or direct
- Area: The total area of all window signs cannot exceed ⅓ the area of the window that the sign is on
Signs attached to buildings
You may attach a sign to a building.
- Number of signs: No limit
- Illumination: None, indirect, or direct
- Area:
- No more than 100 square feet if located within 100 feet and be directed to be viewed from a residential district
- No more than 200 square feet if located within 100 feet and directed to be viewed from a school, or within 200 feet and directed to be viewed from a park, recreation facility, scenic street, or rapid transit route
- No more than 200 square feet if located within the Civic Center Area. Otherwise no limit on area
- Projection: Signs may project up to 75% of the distance between the street property line to the curb or 6 feet, whichever is less
- Height:
- When attached to a building: no more than 60 feet or above the roofline of the building, whichever is lower
- In C-3 Zoning District: a sign cannot exceed 100 feet in height
Freestanding signs
You may construct a freestanding sign on your property.
- Height:
- In a C-2 Zoning District: 36 feet or lower
- In all other C, M, and PDR Zoning Districts: 40 feet or lower