MOHCD department notices

General Notices

Sole Source Contracts

Contractor Name: Cityspan Technologies
Contract Amount: $625,000
Contract End Date: 12/22/24
Purpose of Contract: Software licensing and maintenance of grants management system

Contractor Name: State of California Employment Development Department (EDD)
Contract Amount: $3,540
Contract End Date: 3/31/24
Purpose of Contract: Access to EDD’s confidential wage and claim information

Contractor Name: San Francisco Chronicle / Hearst Communications
Contract Amount: $264
Contract End Date: 6/7/23
Purpose of Contract: Online newspaper subscription for selected staff members

The Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development did not enter into any sole source grant agreements during calendar year 2022.

Environmental Reviews

MOHCD performs environmental reviews for all HUD-funded projects in San Francisco.

Relocation Appeals Board

San Francisco may occasionally displace residents and businesses when building new developments. The City will offer a relocation package to those residents and businesses. If you are dissatisfied with the relocation package, you can contact the Relocation Appeals Board.

Statement of Incompatible Activities

Departmental Statement of Incompatible Activities (pdf)