Building the Department
The new department is actively creating infrastructure for the Inspector General (IG) to start working as soon as the Sheriff's Department Oversight Board appoints an IG.
The SDA-OIG has no budget allocated to lease and maintain office space. Retrofitting space funded by another department's budget allows the IG to start working the soonest possible.
To inform the public about progress building the SDA-OIG
Facility buildout estimates, purchase, and work orders
Office Space Construction - Pending
White Noise Sound Masking
Floor Plan Design, Workstations, and Furniture
Technology estimates, purchase, and work orders
OIG Staff Equipment - Pending
Software and Licensing - Pending
Case Management System
Accelerating Development
These plans will temporarily house and outfit the OIG at minimal cost until the new department is self-sufficient and has the funding to create its own office space. This support will allow the OIG to become operational years faster than if it were to start with no resources.