Reserve and pay for a stall at the Alemany Farmers Market
If you’re approved to sell goods at the Alemany Farmers Market, learn how to get a stall and pay for it.
What to know
$52 and up- $50 per stall
- $2 administrative fee
Before you can sell you must:
- Become an approved vendor
- Pay stall fees for the day.
Costs depend on the number of stalls you reserve
What to do
1. Call to request a spot or add your name to a waiting list (optional)
You can request a stall in a specific area, but we may not be able to give it to you. We assign stalls based on the needs of the whole market. If the stall you want isn’t available, ask to get on a waiting list.
2. Add up the costs
Decide how many stalls you want.
Then, multiply the number of stalls times $50.
Add $2 to the total.
Example: If you want 3 stalls, you would multiply 3 x $50 + $2 = $152
3. Pay for your stall
Bring cash to the Farmer's Market. Someone will collect your payment from you at your stall.
Special cases
What’s next?
Learn how to get ready for market day.
Get help
Partner agencies
What to know
$52 and up- $50 per stall
- $2 administrative fee
Before you can sell you must:
- Become an approved vendor
- Pay stall fees for the day.
Costs depend on the number of stalls you reserve
What to do
1. Call to request a spot or add your name to a waiting list (optional)
You can request a stall in a specific area, but we may not be able to give it to you. We assign stalls based on the needs of the whole market. If the stall you want isn’t available, ask to get on a waiting list.
2. Add up the costs
Decide how many stalls you want.
Then, multiply the number of stalls times $50.
Add $2 to the total.
Example: If you want 3 stalls, you would multiply 3 x $50 + $2 = $152
3. Pay for your stall
Bring cash to the Farmer's Market. Someone will collect your payment from you at your stall.
Special cases
What’s next?
Learn how to get ready for market day.