DBI Update – High Wind Warning, Housing Notices of Violation Now Online, Open Commission Seats, and New Office Pod FAQs
Dear Customers,
We have a few updates to share that may be helpful to you.
First, Notices of Violation (NOV) for housing complaints are now available through the Permit Tracking System on our website, making it easier to access and track the status of housing complaints in real time. You can search by address or complaint, and if an NOV was issued, a link to the NOV will appear at the bottom of the property's housing complaint data sheet.
We've also published a new Frequently Asked Questions document to clarify the requirements for installing pre-manufactured privacy booths, phone booths, and office pods, which you can find posted on the Information Sheets page of our website.
Next, the Building Inspection Commission is seeking San Francisco residents to fill two open seats and play a role in shaping building safety and policy. Both seats have a two-year term. One seat is focused on tenant safety and habitability issues, and the other requires experience as an active, formerly active, or retired structural engineer, architect, or residential builder. You can learn more and apply today at
Last, the National Weather Service is warning San Franciscans to prepare for 20-30 miles per hour (mph) winds and gusts up to 55 mph until 8:00pm this evening.
Given this serious forecast, DBI encourages you to take some basic precautions to keep your building, your neighbors and the people on the sidewalks below, safe in high winds and stormy weather.
Before a storm
- Close and latch any operable windows, and remind tenants to do the same.
- Secure or remove loose objects, especially furniture, from balconies, roofs, or other outside areas.
- Report any cracks or distress around windows to building management.
- If construction work is happening at a building, secure any scaffolding, construction equipment, and materials on roofs and outside areas.
During a storm
- DBI has 24/7 on-call inspectors ready to respond to building-related incidents during storm events.
- If you see something of concern about a building, call 911 if it’s an emergency or if there’s an injury.
- Otherwise, file a report at 311, and DBI will send an inspector to investigate.
Thank you for your ongoing support and interest. Let’s stay safe out there.