What counts as a violation of Equal Employment law
Learn what type of claims are investigated related to discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in the City.
Job discrimination is illegal
It is against the law to be treated unfairly or differently at work based on your:
- Sex or gender (including gender expression, identity, orientation, and pregnancy status)
- Race or ethnicity
- Age (if you are over 40)
- Religion
- Disability status or genetic information
- Medical condition
- Height or weight
- Political affiliation
- Marital or domestic partner status
- Parental status
These identities are known as "protected classes" under Equal Employment law.
You can also complain if you are treated differently because of your connection with someone else in one of these protected classes.
What do we mean by "treated differently"?
If you believe you are being discriminated against at work, it might look like:
- Unequal compensation (including both wages and benefits)
- Harassment, including sexual harassment
- Being denied employment
- Not getting promotion or training
- Not getting reasonable accommodation for a disability
- Being fired
- Getting harmful or unfavorable work assignments
- Disciplinary action, like being "written up"
Use this example to check your situation
If you are not sure if your situation would be considered under the Equal Employment Opportunity law, try out the following statement:
- I believe I was [issue that happened] because of my ["protected class" identity].
- For example: I believe I was denied a promotion because of my gender.
What to do next
You can make a complaint with the City if you are an:
- applicant
- employee
- intern
- volunteer
- contractor