Prohibited items and activities

You may not bring certain items or perform certain activities inside of City Hall.

Prohibited items

Certain items are not allowed at City Hall. 

If City Hall Security determines that you have a prohibited item or an item that could be dangerous to persons or property, they may not let you in.

City Hall Security will not hold or store any prohibited or hazardous item.

The following items are not allowed in City Hall:

  • Helium and helium-filled balloons
  • Pyrotechnics / fireworks
  • Mylar or plastic confetti
  • Decorations or props that will damage building surfaces. This includes any type of paint, stickers, nail, fastener, glue, or other adhesive
  • Space heaters
  • Smoke or fog generating devices
  • Illegal drugs
  • Disabling chemicals such as pepper spray or Mace
  • Any act, device, object or decoration, which may cause harm or damage to an individual or property
  • Anything that violates the Penal Code
  • Knives, box cutters, sharp implements, ceremonial swords or sabers
  • Roller skates, skateboards, scooters, bicycles


Under California law, City Hall Security must confiscate all illegal weapons. The weapon-holder will be subject to immediate arrest. 


You may not bring open, unsealed, or re-sealed containers of alcohol inside City Hall. 

Alcohol consumption is only allowed if it was brought in and served under a written event or catering agreement with the City.


Performance animals and pets are not allowed in City Hall. 

People with disabilities may bring service animals in any area that is open to the public.

Prohibited or restricted activities


Consistent with California law, smoking tobacco products is not allowed inside City Hall. It is also not allowed in an outdoor area within 20 feet of a main exit, entrance, or operable window of City Hall. 


Nudity is not allowed. You must wear some type of clothing covering the upper and lower body. You must also wear shoes or other footwear.


Refrain from making excessive noise in order not to disrupt City business.

Trash and recycling

Help us keep City Hall clean. Use trash and recycle bins located throughout City Hall.


You may not vandalize, mark, paint, damage, destroy, or deface with graffiti or other inscribed material any real or personal property owned by the City. This includes vehicles, signs, fixtures, walls, floors, furnishings or other property. 

You may not use any material, device, object, or decoration, which may cause harm or damage to an individual or property owned by the City.

Film production activities

If you wish to use City Hall for film production activities, you must enter into a use agreement. The Building Manager must approve all such use agreements.  

Press conferences and rallies

The interior of City Hall is not a public forum and is not designated for use for press conferences or rallies.

You may hold a press conference or rally on the front steps of City Hall, in front of either the Goodlett Place (Polk Street) or Van Ness Avenue entrances. 

You must schedule any press conference or rally with the Building Manager or Media Services Manager. You must submit an application form the Building Manager for approval. 

Signs, tables, and exhibits

You may not bring any signs mounted on sticks or poles inside City Hall. You may bring small paper or cardboard signs no larger than 11” x 17”.

Banners are permitted only during special licensed events or services and subject to the terms of a written agreement with the City.  

You may not install tables or exhibits in the hallway areas outside of meeting rooms or offices in City Hall.