Mental Health San Francisco Implementation Working Group
The Mental Health SF Implementation Working Group will advise the Mental Health Board, the Department of Public Health, the Health Commission, the San Francisco Health Authority, and the Board of Supervisors on the design and the implementation of Mental Health SF.
Mental Health San Francisco Implementation Working Group
The Mental Health SF Implementation Working Group will advise the Mental Health Board, the Department of Public Health, the Health Commission, the San Francisco Health Authority, and the Board of Supervisors on the design and the implementation of Mental Health SF.
Full calendarMonthly Meeting Schedule
The IWG will conduct monthly public meetings, beginning in December 2020 and will terminate by September 2026.
Meetings are held the fourth Tuesday morning of each month.
Meeting Archive Notice
To reach meetings prior to 2022 please click here.
On December 6, 2019, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed an ordinance amending the Administrative Code to establish Mental Health San Francisco (Mental Health SF). This new program will provide access to mental health services, substance use treatment, and psychiatric medications to all adult San Francisco residents with mental illness and/or substance abuse who are homeless, uninsured, or enrolled in Medi-Cal or Healthy San Francisco. The ordinance establishes a Mental Health SF Implementation Working Group (IWG), a 13-member board, to advise its development and implementation and eventually to present final recommendations concerning the design and any steps that may be required to ensure a successful implementation of Mental Health SF. The IWG will also address the ordinance service components by actions such as reviewing program data, reviewing and assessing the implementation plan, and assessing effectiveness.
Seat 1 - Amy Wong, A.M.F.T. | Health Care Worker (Board)
Seat 2 - Jameel Patterson | Lived experience (Mayor)
Seat 3 - Vacant (Board)
Seat 4 - James McGuigan | Peace Office, Emergency Medical Response, Firefighter (Mayor)
Seat 5 - Vacant (Mayor)
Seat 6 - Steve Fields, M.P.A. | Treatment provider with mental health harm reduction experience (Board)
Seat 7 - Andrea Salinas, L.M.F.T. | Treatment Provider with criminal justice experience (Board)
Seat 8 - Vacant (Board)
Seat 9 - Vacant (Mayor)
Seat 10 - Dr. Ana Gonzalez, D.O. | DPH employee experience with dual diagnosis (Mayor)
Seat 11 - Sara Shortt, M.S.W. | Supportive housing provider (Board)
Seat 12 - Vacant (Mayor)
Seat 13 - Steve Lipton | Health law expert appointed (City Attorney)