Graffiti service requests
Percent of graffiti requests abated within 48 hours on public property.
Measure description
This measure tracks Public Work's efficiency in addressing all graffiti service requests on public property within its target of 48 hours. Public Works also tracks the number of graffiti service requests received for private properties, for which the cleaning responsibility is on the property owner.
Why this measure is important
Graffiti is an act of vandalism and is categorized as a quality-of-life crime. Removing graffiti quickly is key in lowering the chances of a vandal returning.
Service requests for graffiti on public and private property
Below is the legend for the percentage of graffiti service requests responded to within 48 hours:
- Y-axis: Percentage of graffiti service requests responded to within 48 hours
- X-axis: Calendar year
Below is the legend for the number of graffiti service requests received on public and private properties:
- Y-axis: Number of service requests received
- X-axis: Calendar year
How performance is measured
For graffiti on public and private property, requests are received by San Francisco 311 and sent to the Public Works’ “28Clean” system. When a Public Works crew member responds to the request, it is marked as complete in 28Clean. A single service order location may consist of multiple graffiti removal instances.
For public property requests the monthly response percentage is the number of requests responded to within 48 hours divided by the total number of requests received that month.
Public Works’ response to graffiti on private property requires an inspection and a notification to the property owner to remove the graffiti. Public Works has a goal of inspecting these types of requests within 72 hours.
The number displayed on the scorecard page represents a fiscal year average of the response to public property graffiti service requests (the first chart above).
Additional information
- To learn more about Public Work's graffiti abatement work, visit their website.
- Read about PublicWorksStat (formerly known as DPWStat).
- Report graffiti through San Francisco 311.
Data notes and sources
Primary data source: Scorecards Dataset on DataSF.
Please note this data has an approximately 1 month lag time (e.g. August 2024 data will be available in September 2024.)
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