Check earthquake safety rules

Check our earthquake safety program for multifamily residential buildings.

What to do

Your construction project may require earthquake safety improvements if it includes any of these:

  • Horizontal addition that adds more than 30% to the size in square feet of the building
  • Structural alterations to more than 30% of the floor and roof areas
  • Changes to walls and ceilings on more two-thirds of the stories of the building
  • Change of occupancy of more than 100 people
  • Adding 3rd dwelling unit in a below-ground basement
  • Adding an accessory dwelling unit (ADU)

Mandatory program for wood-frame, multi-family buildings

Voluntary Soft Story

If you choose to do voluntary soft story work or seismic upgrades, follow these instructions in our administrative bulletins:

Get help


Soft Story program628-652-3706