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The primary focus of Economic Development (ED) 18A – Access to Capital is to assist pre-start up, start-up and existing business types with direct financial assistance and greater chances of access to capital such as loans and grants.
The primary focus of Economic Development (ECD) 18B – Commercial Corridor Revitalization is to assist start-up and existing business types along San Francisco’s commercial corridors that provides goods and services to low- to moderate-income communities.
The primary focus of Economic Development (ECD) 18B – Technical Assistance to Small Businesses is to assist start-up and existing business types that employ or will employ greater than 5 low-to moderate-income employees. Grantees may also assist pre-startup businesses, but they should not make up the majority of the business clients served.
The primary focus of Economic Development (ECD) 18C – Technical Assistance to Microenterprises is to assist owners and developers of Microenterprises that are low-to moderate income. A microenterprise is a business with five or fewer employees, including the owner(s).
Form in English.
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Form in Spanish.
Form in English.
Form in Chinese.
Form in Tagalog.
Form in Spanish.
Template in English.
Template in Chinese.
Template in Spanish.
Click to download a template for writing a client success story.
Click to download a template of a release form for permission to use a client's name, business name, or general information.