該儀表板分析了自2019 年7 月1 日以來協調入境服務的HSH 客戶的人口統計數據。所代表的家庭分佈和年齡。
此儀表板中的所有資料均源自HSH 的線上導航和輸入 (ONE) 系統,這是一種符合 HUD 的無家可歸者管理資訊系統 (HMIS)。
儀表板會在週一至週五上午 10 點刷新上一個完整季度的資料。
- 可以按季度查看最近完整日曆季度的資料。數據可追溯到 2019 年 7 月 1 日。
- 數據僅反映戶主的人口統計。
- 長條圖中的人口百分比是使用完整資料計算的,只是為了更清晰地比較不同 CE 類別。不完整資料是指未收集人口統計變量,或客戶表示不知道或拒絕回答的情況。長條圖下方引用了不完整資料的百分比。
- 無法確定一小部分家庭的人口數。該資料將從報告中刪除,並且儀表板上的資訊按鈕會指示缺失資料的百分比。
- 有些家庭在同一 CE 身分下有許多參與(例如,一個家庭可能會隨著時間的推移多次註冊 CE)。如果戶主在同一報告期間內多次以相同的 CE 身份出現,並且他們在參與期間從一個年齡層到另一個年齡層,那麼他們將根據最近一次參與時的年齡進行報告。
- HSH 正在繼續與合作夥伴和非營利提供者合作,追蹤 ONE 系統中的所有住房推薦和安置。在我們實現全面參與之前,儀表板數據可能無法完全反映舊金山無家可歸者回應系統中進行的所有住房推薦和安置。
- 從 2023 年秋季開始,客戶可以選擇標識為中東或北非人,或標識為純拉丁裔,而無需標識其他種族。隨著現有客戶更新他們對這些新選項的認識,反應可能會改變。
Key Terms and Acronyms
有關如何根據 HUD 標準收集和報告客戶人口統計資料的說明,請參閱HSH 的人口統計資訊報告標準。
CE Status | Definition |
Enrolled in CE | Households that were actively enrolled in a Coordinated Entry program in the ONE system during the reporting period selected. |
Housing Referral Status | Households that completed a primary assessment and were determined to be Housing Referral Status, as identified by their presence on a Community Queue in the ONE System within the reporting period selected. |
Referred to Housing | Households referred to any permanent housing or rapid re-housing program in the ONE system during the reporting period selected, based on the initial date of the referral. Includes households referred through Coordinated Entry via the Permanent Housing – Rapid Rehousing Community Queue or CAAP Community Queue, but excludes referrals through the Pandemic Prioritization Queue or Emergency Housing Voucher Queue. |
Housed | Households that moved into Permanent Housing and Rapid Rehousing programs during the reporting period based on a ONE System housing program enrollment with a confirmed move-in date. Excludes transfers based on clients with housing as a prior living situation. May include non-Housing Referral Status clients from the COVID-19 alternative shelter program that received housing as a result of temporary Pandemic Prioritization processes. |
CE 狀態:標識報告期間用戶端的協調進入 (CE) 狀態。
Population | Definition |
Adult | Head of household aged 25 or over living in a household without minor children. |
Young adult | Head of household aged 18 to 24 without minor children. |
Family | Head of household aged 18 or over with one or more minor children. Pregnant people and parenting young adults are eligible for services under Family Coordinated Entry. |
人口:確定與 HSH 對無家可歸人口的定義一致的類別中的客戶家庭類型。對於「CE 註冊」和「住房」CE 狀態,人口類型是根據客戶的家庭類型和計畫註冊時的年齡確定的。對於 CE 狀態“住房轉介狀態”和“轉介至住房”,人口類型是根據客戶最近的 CE 評估類型和評估年齡來確定的。
Age | Definition |
Young adults | Heads of household aged 18 to 24. |
Adults (25 – 54) | Heads of household aged 25 to 54. |
Older adults | Heads of household aged 55 and above. |
年齡:針對每個 CE 狀態,在不同時間點捕捉客戶的年齡:
- 註冊 CE:註冊課程時的年齡
- 住房推薦狀態:CE 評估時的年齡
- 轉介至住房:轉介時的年齡
- 已入住:入住時的年齡
- 如有一般查詢,請聯絡 hshexternalaffairs@sfgov.org
- 媒體洽詢,請聯絡 hshmedia@sfgov.org
- 有關與此儀表板相關的技術問題,請聯絡 hshdata@sfgov.org