
Base Physician Simulation and EMS Retreat

On Tuesday, February 7th the EMS Agency hosted the first ever Base Hospital Physician in the Field simulation.


Tuesday, February 7, 2023
9:00 am to 3:00 pm


  • Emergency Medical Services Agency

With participation from AMR field personnel, EMS Agency interns, and the EMS Medicine Faculty / Base Hospital Physicians from SFGH, we ran through several cases managed by the EMT’s and supplemented by BHF physicians arriving on scene featuring airway, shock and pediatric scenarios and utilizing our new field tablet-based ultrasound. We plan to host similar simulations in the future (providing CE for EMS personnel) so check https://sf.gov/emsa periodically to sign up for the next simulation session(s).

For participants of the Feb. 7, 2023 event, please fill out this brief evaluation by Monday, February 20th: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/W95S5Y6