Health Getting medical care, insurance and mental health support. Health permits and regulations Permits issued by the Environmental Health Branch (EHB) authorized by the San Francisco Health Code. HIV Get care, testing and help for HIV. Also reports, research and data on HIV in SF. 個人記錄 用於進行身份識別和研究的官方文件。 Prenatal care, birth and new baby support Get testing, healthcare, nutrition help and support for pregnant people and babies. Pregnancy Birth control, pregnancy tests and abortion services Transgender Resources for transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) people and their allies. COVID-19, Flu, and RSV 服務 Most popular services Talk to someone now Call the 24-hour support line for suicide prevention or peer counseling. 尋找牙醫 接受洗牙、補牙和簡易拔牙等基本牙科服務。 預約醫療服務 照護會透過 SF Health Network 提供。瞭解如何透過我們旗下的任一保健診所接受的醫療服務。 More services 在初級照護團隊的協助下,尋找合適的心理健康服務 接受治療,以克服輕度至中度憂鬱症、焦慮症和精神壓力等問題。 Find treatment for substance use Find a place for safe detox, treatment, or long-term recovery from drugs or alcohol. Gender Health SF Get healthcare services for transgender and nonbinary individuals. 取得您的健康記錄副本 透過線上、電話或預約等方式索取您的醫療記錄副本。 接受診斷檢測或服務 了解如何前往醫院接受特定檢測,例如 X 光、實驗室化驗或超音波檢測。 接受針灸服務 照護會透過 SF Health Network 提供。歡迎了解如何在 SF Health Network 診所進行針灸。 透過食品藥房領取生鮮雜貨 如需確認您是否符合參加此計畫的資格,請諮詢 San Francisco Health Network (三藩市醫療網) 特約診所的醫生。 獲得 HIV 服務 早期干預計畫 (Early Intervention Program, EIP) 提供醫療護理、諮詢和教育 取得您搭乘救護車期間的醫療記錄 消防處會保存您在抵達醫院前的緊急醫療照護記錄。 在 Chinatown Public Health Center 接受營養諮詢 歡迎預約註冊營養師的諮詢時段,或參加小型團體。 在 Southeast Family Health Center 接受營養諮詢 預約諮詢服務,以探討營養均衡相關知識,並聯繫食物資源管道。 接受復健服務 復健涵蓋職業、物理和語言治療及復健醫學。 Get specialty care through the San Francisco Health Network Find out how to see a doctor who can diagnose and treat specific conditions, like diabetes or cancer. 接受緊急照護服務 當天接受緊急傷害或疾病照護 前往您的 MyChart 患者入口網站 登入 MyChart 即可進行預約、查看您的健康記錄、與您的醫生聯絡,以及支付帳單。 Health services for people experiencing homelessness Get healthcare or get connected to services if you are experiencing homelessness or transitioning out of homelessness. 詢問 San Francisco Health Network 帳單的相關問題 您可在此找到帳單問題的解答、尋找支付方式,同時申請協助以降低費用。 註冊以透過 San Francisco Health Network 接受照護 如果您沒有保險,我們會協助您申請醫療保險。無論您的移民身份是什麼,我們都歡迎您加入。 參加 Chinatown Public Health Center 的營養課程 我們的營養課程涵蓋眾多主題,例如心臟健康、癌症、健康烹飪和腦部健康。 新聞 ACCIDENTAL OVERDOSE DEATHS DECLINE IN SAN FRANCISCO FOR THE SECOND CONSECUTIVE YEAR AS FENTANYL/OPIOID EPIDEMIC RAGES NATIONWIDE January 18, 2023 WITH RESPIRATORY VIRUSES CIRCULATING, 12 BAY AREA HEALTH OFFICIALS RECOMMEND ACTIONS TO STAY HEALTHY FOR THE HOLIDAYS December 15, 2022 SAN FRANCISCO HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO DISTRIBUTE MORE THAN 5,000 HOLIDAY TURKEYS TO COMBAT FOOD INSECURTY December 10, 2022 See more news Departments Department of Public Health We protect and promote the health of all San Franciscans.