Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee Meeting

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

In this page:


    All meetings are held virtually. We send out invites to existing committee rosters via email.

    If you are not currently on the roster and interested in being added, reach out to Gino Cifolelli

    Email: gino.cifolelli@sfgov.org

    Call: 628-217-6000


    1. Agenda in PDF format

      The agenda for the July 30, 2024 EMSAC meeting will be posted the Friday before the meeting.

    2. Minutes

      Minutes for EMSAC are posted within two business days after the meeting.

    Date & Time

    Tuesday, July 30, 2024
    10:00 am to 12:00 pm


    DRAFT Meeting Minutes 04.24.2024

    Public comment is now closed. Review the documents here:

    Public comment is now closed. Review the documents here:

    Please note: public comment is now closed. Responses submitted after 5pm on July 12, 2024 will not be reviewed.

    Reference of public comment for historical purposes:

    All comments are accepted by filling out the public comment form. Public comment is due by July 12, 2024 at 5pm. All documents are draft versions for the purposes of public comment only and should not be utilized to provide patient care.

    Please review the supporting documentation below prior to submitting a public comment:

    Last updated July 13, 2024