The country’s largest holiday animated projection mapping show returns to Downtown San Francisco with an expanded footprint and block party on Front Street, the State’s first entertainment zone
The Let’s Glow SF 2024 kickoff event will return this year in front of the Ferry Building on December 6 at 5 p.m.
With stunning views of the San Francisco Bay and an innovative design that incorporates structures made from reclaimed steel from the old Bay Bridge, the new vibrant waterfront destination by Chase Center adds to a network of over 40 acres of park and open spaces within Mission Bay
With sweeping views of the Bay and a host of amenities, including a new community kitchen, a refurbished landmark building, and shoreline access, the opening of 900 Innes Ave. marks a significant milestone in completing India Basin Waterfront Park
New Markets Tax Credits provided by the United States Treasury tie the previous round for the largest distribution San Francisco has received through the program, which will finance critical projects, create investment in historically underserved communities, and accelerate economic recovery
Since the 1989 earthquake, San Francisco has invested more than $20 billion in seismically retrofitting City-owned infrastructure and buildings and implemented retrofit programs that have improved the safety for thousands of residents and buildings citywide