Understanding San Francisco's street-level data

An overview of street-related data on the Open Data Portal. This resource page includes information on streets, intersections, parcels, addresses, and other street characteristics

The basics

Some of the first datasets on the Open Data Portal focused on San Francisco’s streets and addresses. Many departments help produce this data such as Planning, Building Inspection, the Assessor's Office, and the Department of Technology. This resource collection is not exhaustive but highlights key datasets and concepts related to San Francisco streets. But first, two key concepts:

Centerline network number ("CNN")

The CNN is a unique identifier for every street segment and intersection under the jurisdiction of the City and County of San Francisco. Street segments are represented as lines and intersections are represented as points in our datasets.

Parcels ("APN")

A parcel is a piece of land or a lot (real property) identified by a unique Assessor Parcel Number (APN). In datasets, the APN is frequently referred to as "Block and Lot", "Parcel Number", "Parcel ID", or sometimes abbreviated as "blklot" or "mapblklot".

Always review a dataset's metadata before using a dataset and reach out to with any questions.


Parcels, building footprints, and land use

Partner agencies