Understanding San Francisco's boundary data

There are a lot of ways to demarcate the roughly 49 mile grid that is San Francisco. This page will outline some commonly used boundaries such as supervisor districts, neighborhoods, among other districts boundaries.

Note: All links will go to maps, but you can view the source data by clicking "More Info" under the map title, then clicking the link that begins with "Based on..."


San Francisco boundaries

Current Supervisor Districts
This dataset contains the current San Francisco Board of Supervisor district boundaries approved by the San Francisco Redistricting Task Force. This dataset was created in April 2022 following redistricting based on the 2020 Decennial Census.
Analysis Neighborhoods
A map of 41 neighborhoods using 2010 census tracts. Relying on common real estate and residential definitions for the purpose of providing consistency in the analysis and reporting of socio-economic, demographic, and environmental data, and data on City-funded programs and services.
Election Precincts - Current, Defined 2022
Voting Precincts as determined by the Department of Elections. Redefined in 2022. Precincts are components of other Election districts.
Current Police Districts
San Francisco Police Department’s District Stations with boundaries
Historic districts in San Francisco
These include districts listed in Articles 10 and 11 of the San Francisco Planning Code and districts listed or eligible for listing in the California Register of Historical Resources and/or the National Register of Historic Places.
Cultural Districts
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors has recognized several cultural districts that are distinguished by unique social and historical associations and living traditions.
Community Benefits Districts
Community Benefit Districts (CBD), also known as Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), strive to improve the quality of life on commercial and mixed-use corridors. Each district is a partnership between the City and local communities.