Submit reports to install a cell antenna

Submit a report for approval to install a cell tower or antenna on public right of way or private property.

What to know


Check the fee schedule for the hourly plan review rate. There is a fee for each review step, but you pay just once at the end of the process.

Make sure you check with the Planning Department

Learn more about the different requirements.

What to do

Keep in mind, the requirements are a little different for private property and public right of way. Private property includes rooftop or macro tower installations. Public right of way includes sidewalks, parks, and other land owned by the City.

1. Submit your proposed cell antenna materials

Email your documents to:

Sr. Health Inspector, Radio Frequency Program

2. Submit additional requirements for your project

On private property

We'll review your documents and review your plan. Once you have approval from us, you can submit your plan sets and documents to the Department of Building Inspection for review.

On public right of way

We'll review you documents and send it to any other agency that needs to approve the proposal. They will let you know what other requirements they need.

3. Submit a Project Implementation Report (PIR) within 30 days of installation

Submit a report including information on the radio frequency measurements. Review the checklists below for specific report requirements:

Email the report to:

Sr. Health Inspector

We will review the report and bill you for the plan review fees. Then, the Planning Department will approve your project.

Supporting information

Maintain your license

On private property

Every 2 years you'll need to submit a Periodic Safety Monitoring (PSM) Report. You'll also need to pay a review fee. Download the PSM checklist for projects on private property.

On public right of way

You'll need to submit a post electromagnetic report or radio frequency report (EME) report every 10 years. Download the checklist for projects on public right of way.

Get help


Department of Public Health Environmental Health Branch


Sr. Health Inspector, Radio Frequency Program