CareLink agreement
Learn which legal agreement(s) your organization needs to qualify for CareLink access
To qualify for SFDPH CareLink, external organizations must have a data sharing or system access agreement in place with DPH
Learn more about data sharing at DPH
Does someone at your location already have CareLink?
Yes: Your location's legal agreement has already been confirmed. The CareLink site administrator or DPH manager for your location or program can arrange access for you.
No: Go to next question
Will the new access be on behalf of DPH and/or necessary to perform services contracted by DPH?
Yes: Work with your DPH business sponsor or contract manager to ensure the existing legal agreement includes the correct terms for the access you are seeking.
The contract may need to be amended before you can submit a request for CareLink access. If/when the contract for this work includes CareLink access, go to question 4.
No: Go to next question
Will the new access be on behalf of your organization, and not related to services paid for by DPH?
Yes: Request System Access for access unrelated to DPH contracts or programs.
No: Go to next question
Do you have a contract or MOU with SFDPH that includes CareLink access in the terms?
Yes: Locate the related contract or MOU number then return to Request SFDPH CareLink, next step: New CareLink Site access
No: If none of the options above apply, send an e-mail with: your organization name, name of EHR used at your organization (if any), DPH sponsor name, and reason for request so we can help determine appropriate access.