45 Ora Way Unit A101
Applications are being accepted on a first-come-first-served basis starting on 05/10/2024 at 8:00 AM PST.
1 Bedroom Below Market Rate (BMR) housing opportunity available at 120% Area Median Income (AMI).
Initial Posting Date on DAHLIA: April 3, 2024. See the complete listing details on DAHLIA.
Unit info
Sales price: $425,000
HOA dues: $788
Parking: One (1) Parking Space
Size: 684 sq. ft.
Changes in AMI: MOHCD will use the income limit from the most current year’s area median income (AMI) chart to determine eligibility for an applicant.
To view the unit
Individual viewings are available by appointment. Please contact the listing agent, Bee Hui Yeh at (415) 815-9412 or, for assistance.
Application Requirements
To apply for this listing, you must complete homebuyer education and get a mortgage loan pre-approval letter.
Temporary Adjustments to Applicant's Eligibility Requirements
MOHCD may grant one or more of the following one-time waivers* to applicants applying for this BMR unit:
- Increase qualifying AMI by up to 20%.
- Remove first-time homebuyer requirement.
- Exclude income from assets in the calculation.
- Adjust household size rules
- Allow homebuyer education completion after the initial application.
- Lower minimum financing requirements for buyers.
*Temporary adjustments to the applicant's eligibility requirements will expire on 06/30/2025 unless further extended by MOHCD. For details on the temporary adjustments, view the program announcement.
Application Assistance
If you need help to submit an application, you can contact your housing counselor. For a list of housing counselors, click here.
Application Start Date
The application period starts on May 10, 2024, at 8:00 AM PST and will remain open as first come, first served until it's no longer available.
Application instructions
Submit a complete application package via this secure link, 45 Ora Way Unit A101
- Create a free account or log into your account with Box.
- Combine the application form and all required documents into one PDF file and name the PDF file “45 Ora Way Unit A101" – Last Name, First Name” (Example, 123 Sample Street Unit A – Smith, John).