RFP Title Services


RFP Title Services
RFP for Provision of Title Services
Request for Proposals for: Provision of Title Reports, Escrow Services, Title Insurance, and other Title Services. (Proposals are due May 19, 2023 at 5:00pm)Download the RFP hereFrequently Asked Questions
for further inquiries:
email us:
call us:
<click here to download the RFP>
RFP timeline and deadlines
Pre-Proposal Conference
April 27, 2023
25 Van Ness, Suite 400 (no longer suite 610)
S.F., CA 94102
10:00 a.m.
Deadline for Questions
May 4, 2023
Deadline to Submit Proposals
May 19, 2023
Notice of Intent to Award
May 24, 2023
Period for Protesting Notice of Intent to Award
Within three (3) business days of the City's issuance of a Notice of Intent to Award.
Questions and Answers
download the pdf document here or view the questions and answers below:
Question No. 1:
Section II. Goods and Services – D. Other Title Services –
Assist the Real Estate Division and its consultants with the development of legal descriptions.
What type of assistance with the development of legal descriptions would be expected under this provision?
Response to Question No. 1:
It is expected that the Title Co. would be able to perform some/all of the following at least:
- Research and investigate the “chain of title” for the description at issue
- Research and conduct a title survey/title search –
- Investigate the history of a parcel/property
- Research public records errors, liens and encumbrances
- Verify boundaries, legal description and easements
- Perform a property survey if requested
- Prepare an abstract of title and/or opinion of title
Question No. 2:
Minimum Qualifications Documentation Required with Proposal
MQ4 – Submit proof of: Working offices in San Francisco
What type of proof is required?
Response to Question No. 2:
An address that is not a P.O. Box within the City and County of San Francisco.
Question No. 3:
Section IX. Supporting Documentation Required Prior to Contract Execution - RSD #1 – Evidence that Proposer is 12B compliant or likely to become compliant within 30 calendar days of the Proposal Due Date.
What type of proof would the City be looking for?
What type of evidence would we provide that we do not discriminate?
Response to Question No. 3:
The CMD Compliance Officer (CCO) for this Solicitation and any Master Agreement awarded to a Contractor selected is:
Sheila Tagle
CMD Compliance Officer
Contract Monitoring Division
City and County of San Francisco
Tel: 415.581-2315
Please review the website and contact Sheila Tagle for all 12B compliance questions.
A screen shot of your City Vendor portal indicating Proposer is 12B compliant or has submitted documentation for compliance is sufficient evidence. Delay in award of contract until compliance approved might be necessary. Each situation is unique. Evidence that you are Chapter 12B compliance is evidence that a company does not discriminate. CMD can offer further assistance.
Question No. 4:
Section X. City’s Social and Economic Policy Requirements - Administrative Code Chapter 12X
Is Chapter 12X an issue or still applicable?
Response to Question No. 4:
The City and County of San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors recently adopted and approved an ordinance to repeal Chapter 12X which is expected to be signed by the Mayor.
Question No. 5:
Are the terms contained in the master agreement negotiable, including but not limited to:
- First Source Hiring Program
- Audit and Inspection of Records
- Additional Insured Endorsements
- Indemnification
- Consideration of Salary History
- Limitations on Contributions
Response to Question No. 5:
The agreement is and will be the standard Real Estate Division template as approved by the City Attorney’s Office. Many of its terms can be negotiated. Some mandatory terms and conditions, such as those listed in the question, are required by the City’s Charter and/or the Administrative Code. Revisions to terms, such as those listed in the question, must be approved by both the City Attorneys’ Office and Risk Management. Revisions to same are limited. The Real Estate Division will attempt to enter into agreements with any and all approved vendors, however, we cannot comment on what or how revisions for each individual contract will be approved.