6 - Ensure Downtown is clean, safe and inviting pier-7-in-san-francisco-california-usa-2021-08-26-16-19-27-utc
“Pier 7 on the northern waterfront” by haveseen

Ensure Downtown is clean, safe, and inviting

Investing in a clean and safe downtown is essential to attracting new businesses as well as workforce, visitors, and residents.




Irene Chen (right) is first author of a new study showing that BET proteins both enable and fight off COVID-19. Shown here in the lab with Tongcui Ma (left).
“Life science research in Mission Bay” by Michael Short/Gladstone Institutes

Attract and retain a diverse range of industries and employers

Supporting long-standing sectors maintains the strength of San Francisco’s economic core, while attracting new businesses and industries increases our economic resilience.



100,000 tulips filled Union Square bringing large crowds Downtown.
“American Tulip Day in Union Square” by Flower Bulb Day

Facilitate new uses and flexibility in buildings

Maximizing the variety of uses and flexibility in our buildings creates the spaces and services that a diverse industry base needs to succeed and will help San Francisco’s Downtown recover faster.



Shani Jones, Chef and Owner of Peaches Patties
“Shani Jones, Chef and Owner of Peaches Patties” by Peaches Patties

Make it easier to start and grow a business

Lowering costs, simplifying City processes, and proactively supporting entrepreneurs will encourage more businesses to start and remain Downtown and increase the diversity among business owners.



Hundreds of jobseekers attend a hiring fair at the Ferry Building
“Hundreds of jobseekers attend a hiring fair at the Ferry Building” by Mark Hogains

Grow and prepare our workforce

Growing and diversifying the workforce and linking workers to quality jobs will help businesses find the right employees, creating more opportunities to share in our city’s economic prosperity.



SFMOMA's annual Art Bash draws a crowd to Yerba Buena
“SFMOMA's annual Art Bash draws a crowd to Yerba Buena” by SFMOMA

Transform Downtown into a leading arts, culture, and nightlife destination

Encouraging additional arts and culture, recreation, retail, nightlife and entertainment experiences in Downtown will draw a wide range of people at all hours and throughout the year.



Maiden Lane with new lighting and street furniture
“Maiden Lane with new lighting and street furniture” by Sergio Ruiz

Enhance public spaces to showcase Downtown

Improving our plazas, streets, sidewalks, and parks to highlight their walkability and strong design and invite visitors, workers and residents to re-discover the best of Downtown.



Buses on Market Street
“Market Street is the transit backbone of Downtown” by SFMTA

Invest in transportation connections

Increasing reliable transit service, protected bike lanes, and safer streets and sidewalks will bring more people to and through Downtown.



Karl the Fog blankets the Golden Gate Bridge with the SF skyline in the background
“Only-in-San Francisco view from Lands End/Marin Headlands” by SundryPhotography

Tell our story

Reclaiming our unique story and brand is key to attracting the next generation of residents, workers, employers, and visitors.




Our economic roadmap is focused on responding to the needs of today while also laying the path to realize a long-term vision for San Francisco’s future.

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