Suspended and debarred contractors

Current list of entities unable to participate in contracting with the City and County of San Francisco.

Current List & Reference Documents

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Current List 

Last update: 3/21/2025

Collective Impact, a California non-profit corporation

DREW JENKINS, an individual; and J&J COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER, a California non-profit corporation. 

  • Hearing date: Hearing completed on 6/24/2024.
  • Vendor status: Suspended and Request to Debar Submitted
  • Term: The City Attorney requests that the hearing officer issue an ORDER OF DEBARMENT finding each of Jenkins, and J&J unqualified contractors and disqualified from receiving funds from San Francisco or from entering into contracts with San Francisco, directly or indirectly, for a period of five years beginning February 27, 2024 and ending February 26, 2029 (the “Debarment Term”). 
  • On February 27, 2024, the City Attorney filed the suspension order, which encompasses the following individuals and companies:
    • DREW JENKINS, an individual;
    • J&J COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER, a California non-profit corporation. 
  • Related records:

Florence Kong, Kin Wo Construction, Inc. and SFR Recovery, Inc.

MIN “JAMES” PAIK, an individual; and HYE PAIK, an individual; WHARF777.INC., a California corporation; URI FOOD, INC., a California corporation; SUNG KI KIM, an individual; and IHYUN JEOUNG, an individual, dba NICK’S LIGHTHOUSE.

PROVIDENCE FOUNDATION OF SAN FRANCISCO, a California Nonprofit Corporation. 

  • Hearing date: The February 5, 2025 Hearing date has been vacated and will be reset.
  • Vendor status: Suspended and Request to Debar Submitted
  • Term: The City Attorney, as Charging Official, respectfully requests that the hearing officer issue an ORDER finding that the period of debarment shall remain in place for five years beginning May 6, 2024 and ending May 6, 2029.   
  • On May 6, 2024, the City Attorney filed the suspension order, which encompasses the following nonprofit corporation: Providence Foundations of San Francisco, a Nonprofit Corporation. 
  • Related records: Order of Suspension and Counts and Allegations Seeking Debarment Under San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 28

AUTO TOWING LLC, a California Limited Liability Company.

Andrew M. Jordan and Andrew M. Jordan, Inc. DBA A&B Construction

Dwayne Jones and his company RDJ Enterprises, LLC

  • Vendor status: Suspended
  • Term: Suspension issued 9/7/23.
  • In addition to suspending Jones as an individual, the City Attorney and City Administrator suspended five affiliated entities that Jones owns, controls, or manages. The affiliated entities suspended as of 9/7/23 are:
    1. RDJ Enterprises, LLC
    2. RDJ-Project Complete, LLC
    3. The Southeast Consortium for Equitable Partnerships
    4. Urban Equity, LLC
    5. 20ROC Holdings, LLC

Balmore Hernandez and his company Azul Works, Inc.

Nick James Bovis and his company SMTM Technology, LLC

Wing Lok “Walter” Wong and his companies W. Wong Construction Co., Inc., Green Source Trading, LLC, and Alternate Choice, LLC

Alan Varela and William Gilmartin III and their company ProVen Management Inc.

  • Vendor status: Debarred 
  • Term: The Order of Debarment issued on June 26, 2023 will be in place for all named entities until March 1, 2026.
  • Related records: Order Debarring Alan Varela, William Gilmartin, et al. - June 27, 2023
  • ALAN VARELA, an individual, WILLIAM GILMARTIN III, an individual, and PROVEN MANAGEMENT INC., a California Corporation, and affiliated companies, BAYLANDS SOIL PROCESSING, LLC, COMSA EMTE USA INC., EGBERT ENTERPRISES, LLC, and PROVEN COMSA JV, are prohibited from bidding on or being awarded contracts with the City and County of San Francisco.
  • The Order of Debarment issued on June 26, 2023 will be in place for all named entities until March 1, 2026, five years after Varela, Gilmartin, and ProVen were originally suspended from doing business with the City. Under the law, entities can be debarred for a maximum of five years, with the period of suspension counting towards the term of debarment.

Reference Documents

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