Coordinated Entry
An area of the Homelessness Response System that assesses and connects people experiencing homelessness to available housing resources based on their unique needs.
Entry into the Homelessness Response System
Coordinated Entry is the “front door” to the Homelessness Response System. It is designed to assess, prioritize and match people experiencing homelessness to housing opportunities efficiently and consistently.
Coordinated Entry uses:
- Locally designated population-specific assessment
- Centralized data system
- “By name” database of clients
- Prioritization method
Coordinated Entry Access Points
Access Points are the community gateways into San Francisco’s Homelessness Response System. They serve adults, families and young adults ages 18 to 24. Some focus on subpopulations that benefit from a tailored approach, like veterans and justice-involved people. Access points connect clients to housing, housing problem solving, and other resources. Youth and families can access shelter at these sites.
- Adult Access Points: for anyone over the age of 18 (without children)
- Family Access Points: for families with minor children
- Transitional Age Youth Access Points: for anyone between the age of 18 to 24
- Survivors: survivors of various types of violence of any age
All Access Points provide the same assessment approach.
Coordinated Entry Redesign
Coordinated Entry Core Elements
Homelessness Response System Monthly Report
The Coordinated Entry Written Standards, which were adopted on September 11, 2023.
San Francisco’s programs serving people experiencing homelessness are organized by three primary populations: adults, families with minor children, and youth.
To provide transparency and clarity on how Housing Referral Status households are determined and referred to Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) or Rapid Rehousing (RRH) through the HSH Homelessness Response System (HRS) and communicating adjustments to the Housing Referral Status range.
San Francisco ONE System: Adult/Youth Primary Coordinated Entry Assessment
San Francisco ONE System: Family Housing Assessment
Intro to San Francisco’s Coordinated Entry.