Behavioral Health Services Policies and Procedures

General policy and procedure documents for the BHS Managed Care Plan and Systems of Care.

Department Philosophy and Organization

  • Communication

Management Systems

  • Program Planning
  • Billing Information Systems
  • Personnel & Staff Development
  • Facilities

Service Delivery System

  • Components of System and Relationship
  • Naloxone DPH Clearinghouse
  • Residential Services
  • Eligibility and Admission
  • Accessibility of Service
  • Consent for Treatment
  • Release of Client Information
  • Professional Staff
  • Safety and Security
  • Charting
  • Client Rights
  • Extra-Departmental Relations
  • BHS Electronic Health Record


Billing information systems

Level of Care Designations/Certifications for AOD Treatment Facilities

2.01-04 Issues requirements for all licensed adult alcohol or other drug recovery or treatment (AOC) facilities to obtain a designation based on the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) treatment criteria, or equivalent evidence-based standard, as a minimum standard of care.

Determining Client Liability for Uninsured and Underinsured Members

2.03-08 Process for providers to follow in determining liability for uninsured and underinsured members seeking behavioral health services.

Fee Policy for Substance Abuse Treatment

2.03-10 Outlines the manner in which each alcohol and other drug service program must assess fees to participants in their programs.

Timely Submission of Documents and Data for Behavioral Health Billing Information Systems

2.03-11 Patients' chart notes need to accurately reflect the service data entered into the Behavioral Health Billing Information System (BHBIS).

Medi-Cal Share of Cost

2.03-12 Establishes procedures related to Medi-Cal Share of Cost (SOC).

Handling of Patient Payments Received in BHS Programs

2.03-18 Guidance to Short-Doyle funded BHS Mental Health (MH) and Substance Use Disorders (SUD) Clinics for handling of payments received at their sites. 

Physician Responsibilities for Medicare/Medi-Cal Reimbursement

2.03-26 Informs and reinforces regulations regarding physician responsibilities for Medicare and Medi-Cal reimbursement. 

Verification of Service Delivery

2.03-27 Outlines procedures to ensure compliance with the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) SDMC Program requirement for services provided to Medi-Cal beneficiaries to be verified.

Overpayments Recovery and Reporting Procedures

2.03-28 Policy and procedures for the San Francisco Mental Health Plan (MHP) and for the San Francisco Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS) Plan to recover and report overpayments made by these plans to providers per the Federal Medicaid Managed Care Final Rule (Final Rule) and Federal Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services Parity Final Rule (Parity Rule) requirements.

Individual Provider Enrollment, Screening, and Credentialing Standards in Federal Insurance Programs

2.03-29 Standards for individual provider enrollment, screening, and credentialing activities conducted by BHS Compliance for individual providers.


Components of system and relationship

Prescription and Laboratory Services for BHS Patients

3.01-03 Defines eligible criteria for those receiving Behavioral Health Services (BHS) prescription and laboratory services, who is eligible to prescribe such services, and what services are available. 

BHS Laboratory Ordering and Results

3.01-06 Provides guidance on and ensures compliance with state and federal laws for laboratory ordering (also referred to as diagnostic testing), review of laboratory results, and documentation of clinical actions related to laboratory results.


3.01-7 Guidelines for Behavioral Health Services (BHS) staff to ensure that forms JV-220-223 are completed and included in the beneficiary's medical record when psychotropic medications are prescribed to court dependent youth.

Conflicts of Interest in Client Referrals - City Employees

3.02-09 Guidance for City and County of San Francisco employees on making referrals for clients to services outside the BHS System of Care in ways that are in compliance with State and local laws governing conflicts of interest. Technical Revision. Replaces 3.02-9 of August 2, 2010.

Conflicts of Interest in Client Referrals - Contract Employees

3.02-10 Guidance for BHS contractors on making referrals for clients to services outside the BHS System of Care in ways that are in compliance with State and local laws governing financial conflicts of interest.

Timely Access and Time and Distance Standards for Behavioral Health Providers

3.02-13 Ensures beneficiaries of specialty mental health (SMHS) and substance use disorder services (SUD) experience timely access to care and access to a sufficient number of high-quality, culturally competent and effective service providers that are within reasonable travel distance in accordance with the standards set forth by the California state Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). 

Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) and Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS) Notices

3.02-14 Procedures to ensure that Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) and Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS) notices are provided to Medi-Cal beneficiaries under 21 years of age and their representatives at the time of placement in certain types of facilities.

Cultural and Linguistic Humility Requirement for Behavioral Health Services

3.02-15 Formally designates cultural and linguistic competence as an essential characteristic and defining quality/standard that must be embedded in all aspects of the Behavioral Health Services (BHS) systems of care. Substantive Revision. Replaces 3.02-15 of May 30, 2018.

Tuberculosis Screening/Infection/Exposure in Personnel

3.02-17 To reduce the possibility of tuberculosis (TB) exposures in the community. 

DPH Crisis Intervention Specialist Team

3.02-20 Guidelines to BHS staff working as members of the Crisis Intervention Specialist Team supporting the Police Department (SFPD) in situations where a behavioral health need is identified.

Medical Emergencies in Ambulatory Behavioral Health Centers

3.02-21 Procedures for responding to medical emergencies in ambulatory behavioral health centers. 

24/7 Coverage Requirement for Full Service Partnership Programs

3.02-22 Defines the 24/7 coverage responsibilities and requirements for Full Service Partnership (FSP) program providers ensuring availability to provide after-hour intervention. Minor Technical Revision.

Translation Request Policy

3.02-23 Ensures that Behavioral Health Services (BHS) staff can adequately obtain translation services to support client with documentation and educational materials in their preferred language.

Technical Revision. Replaces Policy 3.02-23 of March 1, 2019.

Interpretation Request Policy

3.02-24 Ensures that Behavioral Health Services (BHS) staff can adequately obtain and provide interpretation services for scheduled appointments/meetings as requested by the client and/or the clinician. Technical Revision. Replaces 3.02-24 of March 1, 2019.

Behavioral Health Services Medication Use Improvement Committee (MUIC)

3.02-26 Establishes the Medication Use Improvement Committee (MUIC) as the oversight body for BHS medication services, providing medication use improvement advisement.

BHS Telehealth Policy

3.02-27 Issues guidance on administering telehealth services for Specialty Mental Health (SMHS) and Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC ODS) and information for local implementation. 

Administration of Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics

3.02-28 Ensures that long-acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotics are being appropriately administered within their ordered time frame by nursing staff at all BHS clinics, included contracted agencies. 

TB Screening & Testing for SUD Residential Programs

3.02-11: Standardizes tuberculosis screening and testing in substance use disorder residential programs.

New Policy

3.02-18 Network Adequacy Reporting and Monitoring

Eligibility and admission

Involuntary Psychiatric Detention and Coordination of Care for Minors

3.03-01 Defines the process regarding the involuntary psychiatric detention, inpatient admission/discharge, and coordination of care for minors. 

San Francisco Residency and County-of-Medi-Cal: Eligibility Requirements to Receive San Francisco Behavioral Health Services

3.03-06 Explains residency and/or authorization process for children and youth required in order for individuals to be eligible to receive Behavioral Health Services (BHS) mental health and substance use disorder services.

Healthy Workers Membership in SFMHP

3.03-14 Declares that Behavioral Health Services (BHS) services are available to San Francisco Health Plan (SFHP) Healthy Workers members when clinically appropriate.

Compliance with Charitable Choice Requirements

3.03-17 Processes and procedures to ensure nondiscrimination and institutional safeguards for religious providers.

Prior Authorization Policy and Procedures for San Francisco County Children, Youth, & Families System of Care for Intensive Care Coordination/Intensive Home-Based Services and Therapeutic Foster Care

3.03-18 Establishes requirements for prior authorization of specific outpatient Specialty Mental Health Services, Intensive Home-Based Services (IHBS) and Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC).

Psychological Assessment Services

3.03-20 Guidance on the provision of comprehensive psychological assessment services throughout Behavioral Health Services (BHS).

Concurrent Review Standards for Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital and Psychiatric Health Facility Services

3.03-21 Affirms that the SF Mental Health Plan (MHP) is required to operate a utilization management (UM) program that ensures beneficiaries have appropriate access to specialty mental health services (SMHS).

Authorization of Outpatient Specialty Mental Health Services (SMHS)

3.03-22 Communicates to the SF Mental Health Plan (MHP) the federal requirements related to the authorization of adult specialty mental health services (SMHS), except for psychiatric inpatient hospital and psychiatric health facility services.

Screening and Transition Tools

3.03-23 Guidance to Mental Health Plans (MHPs) on standardized, statewide Adult and Youth Screening and Transition of Care Tools to guide referrals of Adult and Youth beneficiaries to the appropriate Medi-Cal mental health delivery system and ensure that beneficiaries requiring transition between delivery systems receive timely coordinated care.


Accessibility of service

SF Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System Requirements for Years 2022-2026

3.03-19 Updated program requirements and standards for the Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS) Program for the period of January 2022 through December 2026.

Member Grievance Procedure in Compliance with Section 504 and the ADA

3.04-03 Outlines the procedure for any BHS member or their representative to report and file a complaint in the event that they experience discriminatory practices at a BHS site due to a disability.

Request for Change in Behavioral Health Provider

3.04-07 Procedural steps for an individual beneficiary or one's legal guardian(s) to request a change in behavioral health provider.

Request for Second Opinion by Medi-Cal Beneficiaries Due to Not Meeting Medical Necessity

3.04-08 Procedures to ensure a timely and effective response to a beneficiary’s request for a second opinion when a decision has been made by Behavioral Health Services (BHS) or its providers to deny a requested specialty mental health service (SMHS) or Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS) service due to not meeting medical necessity criteria. 

San Francisco Continuity-of-Care Requirements for Medi-Cal Specialty Mental Health Services

3.04-09 County mental health plans must give Medi-Cal beneficiaries the option to continue treatment for up to 12 months with an out-of-network Medi-Cal provider (organizational provider, provider group, or individual practitioner) with whom the beneficiary has a pre-existing provider relationship, upon the beneficiary's request for such continuity-of-care.

Interoperability, Patient Access, and Provider Directory Application Programming Interfaces (API)

3.06-17 BHS' policy on the implementation of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Priority Population and Interim Services

3.04-12 Defines priority populations for Substance Use Disorder (SUD) programs, the extent to which they receive priority in admissions and presents the procedure for offering interim services when they are needed. New Policy.


Release of client information

Confidentiality and the Release of Protected Health Information of CBHS Behavioral Health Clients

3.06-01 Guidance to staff on how to protect the confidentiality of protected health information of Behavioral Health Services members and clients. 

Release of Information Pursuant to a Subpoena/ Court Order

3.06-04 Provides guidance to staff for the processing of subpoenas and court orders for records that include mental health, substance abuse, and HIV test results.

Restrictions of Psychotherapy Notes and Informal Memory Prompts

3.06-05 Guidance regarding limitation of creation, use, and the subsequent maintenance of notes separate and apart from the medical record, and describing proper means to destroy notes that include any protected health information (PHI).

Special Situations Governing Release of Information under the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act

3.06-11 Delineates the requirements of the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA) and ensures that Behavioral Health Services (SF BHS) staff understand their role as mandated reporters and meet the statutory reporting requirements.

Responding to Court Order for Sealing Medical Records

3.06-12 Guidance to staff for sealing a member's medical records, usually pertaining to juvenile records. 

Special Situations Governing the Release of Information: Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting Requirement

3.06-13 Guidelines and responsibilities for any mandated reporter who, in their professional capacity, or within the scope of their employment, has observed or has knowledge of an incident that causes reasonable suspicion of abuse of an elder or dependent adult, must report the known or suspected abuse. 

Responding to a Family Following Death of a BHS Member: Grief Intervention and Disclosure of Information

3.06-16 Assists providers with issues related to responding to a family's grief at the loss of a loved one and related risk management, member privacy, and medical record release concerns.


Professional staff

Authority for Involuntary Detention for 72-Hour Evaluation and Treatment

3.07-02 Provides guidelines for establishing authority for involuntary detention for up to 72-hour evaluation and treatment and to ensure compliance with state law, regulations, and county procedures.

San Francisco Private Provider Network Selection and Retention

3.07-04 Ensures all providers contracted with the Private Provider Network (PPN) have and maintain their professional credentials, in accordance with San Francisco Mental Health Plan (SFMHP) standards for individual providers.

Clinical Pharmacists General Procedure and Protocol in BHS Clinics

3.07-05 Defines the role of pharmacists in the provision of medication management services in Behavioral Health Services (BHS) to support the wellness and recovery of clients and maximize the effectiveness of the medical-clinical team.

Last Reviewed December 20, 2024

Clinical Pharmacists with an Advanced Practice Pharmacist License General Procedure and Protocol in BHS Clinics

3.07-5.1 Role of pharmacists in the provision of medication management services in Behavioral Health Services to support the wellness and recovery of clients and maximize the effectiveness of the medical-clinical team.

Last Reviewed December 20, 2024

Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioners General Procedure and Protocol in CBHS

3.07-06 Recognizes role of the Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) in the provision of services in Behavioral Health Services (BHS) and to fully utilize their skill set to support the wellness and recovery of clients, and to maximize effectiveness of the medical-clinical team.

Standards for Provider and Organizational Disclosures: Obtaining, Reporting and Monitoring

3.07-07 The obligations of providers, Mental Health Plans (MHPs) and Drug Medi-Cal/Organized Delivery System (DMC/ODS) to obtain, report and monitor disclosures as part of Medicaid’s and Medicare’s provider enrollment and screening program integrity standards.



BHS Medical Records Policy

3.10-02 Affirms that BHS staff will document services provided to clients in an accurate and timely manner, including all BHS policies and procedures pertaining to client confidentiality, data security, and integrity of behavioral health records.

BHS Medical Record Procedures for Closing Cases

3.10-05 Provides guidelines on how BHS staff process case closures in the electronic health record (and paper documents) in the event that the client either terminates treatment with the program, is referred to other programs or is deceased.

Security and Retention of Medical Records

3.10-07 Guidelines for the security and retention of Behavioral Health Services (BHS) medical records.

Replaces Policy 3.10-07 of July 17, 2018.

Dividing BHS Client Medical Records into Multiple Volumes

3.10-10 Guidance for providers within Behavioral Health Services (BHS) for situations which necessitate the creation of two or more additional volumes for a BHS client’s medical record.

CANS and PSC-35 Implementation

3.10-13 Establishes documentation requirements for Children, Youth, and Families System of Care (CYFSOC) civil service and contracted providers who complete a comprehensive mental health assessment prior of the start of planned specialty mental health services to children and youth ages 0 - 20.

Last Reviewed January 3, 2025.


Client rights

Grievance and Appeal System for Behavioral Health Services

3.11-01 Defines the grievance and appeal system for BHS members, describes the processes for handling grievances and appeals of adverse benefit determinations, and identifies the respective roles and responsibilities of BHS, providers, and members through its informing materials and documentation requirements. 

Duties of the County Patients' Rights Advocate and Responsibility for Program Cooperation

3.11-02 Defines the role of SF Mental Health Clients' Rights Advocates (SFMHCRA) and the expectation of cooperation of BHS providers, as required or permitted by law, in the event of a requested monitoring or investigation.

Issuing Notices of Adverse Benefit Determination to Medi-Cal Beneficiaries Receiving Specialized Mental Health or Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System Services

3.11-04 Defines an adverse benefit determination to ensure that the rights of Medi-Cal members are protected and to describe the situations that warrant a Notice of Adverse Benefit Determination (NOABD) and the process through which a NOABD is issued.

Provider Problem Resolution and Appeal Process

3.12-01 Provides guidance on resolving problems and responding to appeals brought to San Francisco Behavioral Health Services (BHS) by any of its contracted organization, group, and individual providers.

Advance Medical Directives

3.13-01 Provides adult Medi-Cal beneficiaries served by BHS with information concerning their rights regarding Advance Medical Directives.

Behavioral Health Services General ADA Policy

3.15-01 Ensure that BHS members with disabilities have equal access to behavioral health services and benefits at all BHS facilities, including sites operated by providers with whom there is an established contract with the Department of Public Health BHS.


BHS electronic health record

BHS Electronic Staff Signatures

6.00-01 Defines electronic staff signature and their use within Behavioral Health Services (BHS). Technical Revision. Replaces Policy 6.00-01 of June 23, 2010.

BHS Electronic Prescribing

6.00-02 Ensures the proper use and application of the Behavioral Health Services (BHS) electronic prescribing system. 

BHS Electronic Record Security and Retention

6.00-03 Defines security and retention of electronic records within Behavioral Health Services (BHS). Replaces 6.00-03 of December 2, 2010.

Electronic Health Record Data Collection Requirements

6.00-04 Defines the minimum data elements that must be entered into the Behavioral Health Systems (BHS) Electronic Health Record (EHR) for the purposes of submitting claims, fulfilling mandated State and local reporting requirements, and complying with BHS Electronic Prescribing Policy. Replaces Policy 6.00-04 of December 2, 2010.

Health Record Audit Policy

6.00-05 Addresses all DPH electronic health record audit requirements and ensures compliance with Center for Medi-Care and Medi-Caid Services (CMS) audit requirements for electronically signed records.

Behavioral Health Services EHR Access Control Policy

6.00-06 Establishes standards and guidelines related to requesting, maintaining, and closing Behavioral Health Services (BHS) Electronic Health Record (EHR) User Accounts in order to maintaining security of electronic Protected Health Information (PHI). Replaces Policy 6.00-06 of January 25, 2011.

BHS Contracted Provider Anti-Virus Policy

6.00-07 Guidelines related to installing and maintaining anti-virus software for Behavioral Health Services (BHS) Contracted Providers. 

Client Electronic Signature Policy in Ambulatory Care

6.00-08 Guidance on the use of electronic signatures in order to maintain the accuracy and integrity of the full electronic health record (EHR) for Behavioral Health Services (BHS).



Behavioral Health Services (BHS) Compliance Unit
We are one of the compliance units within the larger SFDPH Office of Compliance & Privacy Affairs (OCPA). We implement a compliance program across Behavioral Health Services to prevent, detect and remediate non-compliance with healthcare laws and regulations.
DPH Privacy Policies
On this page, you will find current DPH wide privacy policies.
DPH Compliance Policies
Code of Conduct, policies on compliance, Immigration Status and Interactions with Immigration Enforcement Agents, and more.
SFDPH Systemwide Policies
Policies and procedures for SFDPH in areas ranging from client services to contracts, fiscal, and more.
Immigration Status and Interactions with Immigration Enforcement Agents Policy
OCPA's policy offering guidance on how to interact with immigration enforcement agents and maintains alignment with DPH's mission and San Francisco’s Sanctuary City Ordinance.
Dept. of Human Resources Equal Employment Opportunities Policies
Policies on workplace harassment/discrimination, language diversity, accommodations and filing a complaint.
IT Policies
Policies from Information Technology & Office of Cybersecurity (OCS) on matters pertaining to risks, security and usage of workstations, data, electronic devices, and more.
Workplace Violence Prevention Policies
SFDPH's comprehensive Workplace Violence Prevention Policies (WVPPs) that are designed to meet regulatory standards and demonstrate care for every team member by ensuring they feel protected, respected, and empowered in their work environment.

Partner agencies