Residential Care and Treatment

Mental health and substance use treatment beds in San Francisco

Expansion in residential care and treatment

Residential care and treatment dashboard

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What's new?

  • San Francisco is undergoing an unprecedented expansion of behavioral health services for people with mental health and substance use addictions.
  • San Francisco Public Health aims to offer high quality, timely, easily accessible, coordinated, and recovery-oriented care delivered in the least restrictive setting, and, to the extent possible, within the City and County of San Francisco
  • As part of this overall expansion, we are increasing our overnight residential treatment and care services for both long- and short-term stays. 
  • We are in the process of increasing residential capacity by approximately 400 overnight treatment spaces, or beds, adding to the nearly 2,200 that already exist. This represents a 20% increase in our residential treatment and care capacity.  
  • Read Mayor Breed's press release here.

San Francisco Department of Public Health provides mental health and substance use treatment for underserved San Franciscans

Hummingbird Valencia

A psychiatric respite facility to serve people experiencing homelessness from the Mission and Castro. Press release

Status: Opened May 2021

Open: 28 beds available

front room at Hummingbird Valencia
“Hummingbird Valencia” by Heidi Alletzhauser

Managed Alcohol Program

Medical supervision pilot for people with chronic alcohol dependency 

Status: Opened in 2020. Permanent location and additional funding will expand the program from 10 beds to 20 beds.

Open: 13 beds available

Psychiatric Skilled Nursing Facilities

Out-of-county secure 24-hour medical care for people with chronic mental health conditions 

Status: Open 2022. Accepting placements.

Goal: 13 beds 

Cooperative Living for Mental Health

Communal living for people with chronic mental health and/or substance use 

Additional $11M to stabilize leased properties available through MOHCD 

Status: Open 2022. Accepting placements. 

Goal: 6 beds


24-7 pilot program for people experiencing homelessness with drug intoxication, providing short term stays and linkage to services. Press release 

Status: Opened in 2022. Accepting placements.  

Goal: 20 beds

Dual Diagnosis Transitional Care for People With Justice Involvement (aka Minna)

Transitional care for people in contact with the criminal justice system with a dual diagnosis of mental health and/or substance use issues.
Status: Open 2022
Goal: 75 Beds

Residential Care Facility (Board and Care)

Residential Care facility (aka Board and Care)  

Status: Open 2022
Goal: 99 Beds

Residential Care Facility: Supervised residential program for individuals with mental health issues who require assistance with daily living activities

23 beds currently available

Pilot 12-month Rehabilitative Board and Care: Same as above with more intensive mental health and treatment support, such as for conserved individuals.

12-month Rehabilitative Board and Care: 76 beds currently available

Residential Step-down

Long-term sober living environment for clients coming out of residential care programs 

Status: Open 2023. Accepting placements.

Goal: 70 beds

Enhanced Dual Diagnosis

Transitional medically enhanced care for people with a dual diagnosis of mental health and substance use issues 

Status: Opening 2023. Contracting in process. 

Goal: 30 beds

Transitional Age Youth (TAY) Residential Treatment

Supervised treatment for young adults with serious mental health and/or substance use issues 

Status: Opening 2023. Program design in development

Goal: 10 beds

Stabilization Unit

Immediate, voluntary medical care for people with urgent mental health needs who do not need a medical hospital. 

Status: Opening 2025. Contracting and construction in progress. Learn more

Goal: 16 beds

Mental Health Rehabilitation Services (LSAT)

Status: Open 2021
Goal: 31 Beds

Out-of-county psychosocial rehabilitation for people who are conserved in a locked setting.

FindTreatmentSF: Existing mental health and substance use treatment beds

San Francisco has a daily update of available mental health and substance use treatment beds at

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