Documentation - Housing Inventory

Documentation for the Housing Inventory dashboard. Documentation includes the report’s purpose, data source, reporting frequency, and key terms.


This report displays HSH’s current inventory of housing in terms of units or beds. It offers users the flexibility to view the data based on program type or household type, allowing for measurement in counts and percentages relative to the overall inventory.

Data Source

Data in this dashboard is sourced from the Online Navigation and Entry (ONE) System, a HUD-compliant Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).

Reporting Frequency

The dashboard refreshes once a month.

Data Notes

The inventory counts are derived from program unit/bed level information that is established in the ONE System. The inventory includes programs that are dedicated to serving homeless individuals and that participate in Coordinated Entry, and may include a small number of programs that are not directly funded by HSH.

The dashboard reflects the inventory that is identified as active in the ONE System on the day the report is generated. Inventory in the ONE System is updated as programs open or change and is reconciled at minimum once annually.

HSH is required to identify beds dedicated to chronically homeless individuals, young adults ages 18 to 24, and veterans as defined by HUD’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Data Standards. Per HUD, a dedicated bed is a bed that “must be filled by a person in the subpopulation category (or a member of their household) unless there are no persons from the subpopulation who qualify for the project located within the geographic area.” Beds/units may be dedicated to more than one subpopulation (for example, a bed dedicated for chronically homeless veterans will appear in both the Total Chronic count and the Total Veteran count).

Certain projects may provide rental assistance without a fixed number of units or beds (e.g. scattered-site permanent supportive housing and rapid re-housing). In these cases, HSH follows HUD guidance from the HMIS Data Standards manual when determining how to record total bed and unit inventory.

Metric 1Subpopulation - Veteran Beds / Units


The sum of all active housing beds/units dedicated to serving homeless veteran households. 


Veteran beds are calculated as the sum of the following mutually exclusive data elements in the ONE system as required by HUD’s HMIS Data Standards

Beds dedicated to chronically homeless veterans 

Beds dedicated to young adult veterans 

Beds dedicated to any other veterans 


Subpopulation-dedicated inventory is tracked at a bed-level only per HUD HMIS standards. For the purposes of this dashboard, subpopulation dedicated inventory is converted to units in proportion with a given program’s ratio of beds to units: 
[Sum of Program’s Veteran Units] = [Sum of Program’s Veteran Beds] * [Sum of Program’s Total Unit Inventory] / [Sum of Program’s Total Bed Inventory] 

Metric 2Subpopulation - Young Adult Beds / Units


The sum of all active housing beds/units dedicated to serving homeless young adult households. 


Young adult beds are calculated as the sum of the following mutually exclusive data elements in the ONE system as required by HUD’s HMIS Data Standards

Beds dedicated to chronically homeless young adults

Beds dedicated to young adult veterans 

Beds dedicated to any other young adult


Subpopulation-dedicated inventory is tracked at a bed-level only per HUD HMIS standards. For the purposes of this dashboard, subpopulation dedicated inventory is converted to units in proportion with a given program’s ratio of beds to units: 
[Sum of Program’s Young Adult Units] = [Sum of Program’s Young Adult Beds] * [Sum of Program’s Total Unit Inventory] / [Sum of Program’s Total Bed Inventory] 

Metric 3Subpopulation - Chronic Beds / Units


The sum of all active housing beds/units dedicated to serving chronically homeless households. 


Chronically homeless beds are calculated as the sum of the following mutually exclusive data elements in the ONE system as required by HUD’s HMIS Data Standards

Beds dedicated to chronically homeless veterans 

Beds dedicated to chronically homeless young adults

Beds dedicated to any other chronically homeless people


Subpopulation-dedicated inventory is tracked at a bed-level only per HUD HMIS standards. For the purposes of this dashboard, subpopulation dedicated inventory is converted to units in proportion with a given program’s ratio of beds to units: 
[Sum of Program’s Chronic Units] = [Sum of Program’s Chronic Beds] * [Sum of Program’s Total Unit Inventory] / [Sum of Program’s Total Bed Inventory] 

Key Terms and Acronyms
Household Type: HSH ReportHousehold Type: HUD Household Type Definition (HUD)


Households without children 

Beds and units typically serving households with adults only. This includes households composed of unaccompanied adults and multiple adults. 

Families with children

Households with at least one adult and one child 

Beds and units typically serving households with at least one adult and one child. 

Children only

Households with only children 

Beds and units typically serving households composed exclusively of persons under age 18, including one-child households, multi-child households or other household configurations composed only of children. 

Housing Program Types: For program type definitions, see the definitions below the inventory dashboard on the housing page. Household Types: households are identified in accordance with HUD’s HMIS Data Standards



Inventory dedicated to housing veterans experiencing homelessness and their household members must be identified.

Young Adults

Inventory dedicated to housing young adults (people between ages 18 and 24) experiencing homelessness and their household members must be identified.

Chronically Homeless Individuals

Per HUD Data Standards, inventory dedicated to housing people experiencing chronic homelessness and their household members must be identified.  

The HUD definition of chronically homeless is:

(1) A homeless individual with a disability as defined in section 401(9) of the McKinney-Vento Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11360(9)), who: 
– Lives in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or in an emergency shelter, and 
– Has been homeless and living as described for at least 12 months or on at least 4 separate occasions in the last 3 years, as long as the combined occasions equal at least 12 months and each break in homelessness separating the occasions included at least 7 consecutive nights of not living as described.

– or –

(2) An individual who has been residing in an institutional care facility for less, including jail, substance abuse or mental health treatment facility, hospital, or other similar facility, for fewer than 90 days and met all of the criteria of this definition before entering that facility.

– or –

(3) A family with an adult head of household (or, if there is no adult in the family, a minor head of household) who meets all of the criteria of this definition, including a family whose composition has fluctuated while the head of household has been homeless. 

Subpopulations: Inventory is identified per HUD Data Standards.


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