San Francisco's DJJ Realignment Plan: 2023 Implementation Update
Secure Youth Treatment Facility
- San Francisco is currently using Juvenile Hall as its interim Secure Youth Treatment Facility (SYTF) until City leadership makes a decision regarding the replacement of Juvenile Hall.
- As of April 2023, the San Francisco juvenile court has committed 7 young people to the Secure Youth Treatment Facility.
- 6 young people are housed in Juvenile Hall on 2 dedicated housing units.
- 1 young person is housed in County Jail on a pending criminal matter.
- San Francisco has not developed a policy to place youth in Secure Youth Treatment Facilities in other counties.
Use of Juvenile Justice Realignment Block Grant Funds
San Francisco has made investments in the following programming to support justice involved youth in the community and in the Secure Youth Treatment Facility:
- Credible messenger life coaches
- Whole family support programs, including flexible, direct funding to young people and their families
Grantee | Program | Award (FY 22/23) |
Us4Us (Renaissance for Parents) | Credible Messenger Life Coaches (Community Based) | $175,000 |
Bay Area Community Resources | Credible Messenger Life Coaches (Community Based) | $200,000 |
Success Centers | Credible Messenger Life Coaches (Juvenile Hall) | $450,000 |
San Francisco Pretrial Diversion Project | Flexible Funding for Families Program for Juvenile Justice System Impacted Youth (Whole Family Support) | $172,500 |
City Youth Now | Flexible Funding for Families Program for Juvenile Justice System Impacted Youth (Whole Family Support) | $75,000 |
Young Community Developers | Flexible Funding for Families Program for Juvenile Justice System Impacted Youth (Whole Family Support) | $172,500 |
San Francisco has made investments in 10 new programs inside the Secure Youth Treatment Facility to provide positive youth development and support youth in completing their Individual Rehabilitation Plans across a variety of service areas.
Grantee | Program | Award (FY22/23) |
Border Youth Tennis Exchange | Sport for Healing & Trauma-informed Development | $40,200 |
Five Keys Schools and Programs | Academic & Counseling Program | $83,000 |
Insight Prison Project (Five Keys) | Victim Offender Education Group (VOEG) $76,582 | $76,582 |
Occupational Therapy Training Programs | Life Skills | $41,500 |
Sharp Circle, Inc. | Life Ownership Plan Program | $61,400 |
Success Centers | This Way Out: Job Skills Training | $83,205 |
Success Centers | This Way Out: Wraparound Supports | $83,128 |
Success Stories | Success Stories Program | $82,610 |
Sunset Youth Services | Parenting Programming | $25,000 |
Sunset Youth Services | Vocational Support Programming | $65,000 |
DJJ Realignment Facility-Specific Funding
Youth Programs & Facilities Grant (YPFG):
- SF Allocation: $152,571
- One-time funding for infrastructure needs to facilitate youth programming that maintains trauma-informed, culturally relevant and gender appropriate services to youth in the care of counties.
- Expenditures to Date: $35,367 – Moveable furniture and equipment and programming materials/supplies for an outdoor kitchen, including a grill, prep tables, cooking utensils, outdoor seating.
AB 178 Juvenile Facility Grant:
- SF Allocation: $1,072,479
- One time funding to modernize units and sleeping rooms; create more normative space; add treatment, vocational, educational, recreational, visitation, and family engagement space; and enhance security infrastructure.
- JPD will accept and expend the grant via City FY 23/24 budget process. Chief Miller is currently meeting with impacted youth and soliciting input from stakeholders to inform uses to inform uses.