Sheriff's Department Oversight Board 2023 Q2 Report

San Francisco Sheriff's Department Oversight Board Quarterly Report (April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023) to the Sheriff and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors


Charter Section 4.137 (b) (5) mandates that the Sheriff’s Department Oversight Board
(SDOB) “Prepare and submit a quarterly report to the Sheriff and the Board of Supervisors regarding the SDOB evaluations and outreach, and OIG (Office of Inspector General) reports submitted to the SDOB.”

Charter Section 4.137 also mandates that the SDOB:
(2) Evaluate the work of the OIG, and may review the Inspector General’s individual
work performance.
(3) Compile, evaluate, and recommend law enforcement custodial and patrol best
(4) Conduct community outreach and receive community input regarding SFSD operations and jail conditions, by holding public meetings and soliciting input from persons incarcerated in the City and County.

Evaluations of the OIG during Q2 2023

An Inspector General has not yet been appointed and the OIG has not yet been established so therefore, SDOB made no evaluations during the first quarter of 2023.

Evaluations of law enforcement custodial and patrol best practices during Q2 2023

SDOB did not undertake any evaluations of law enforcement custodial or patrol best practices during Q2 2023.

SDOB community outreach

SDOB conducted two community meetings during Q2 2023:

April 11, 2023, Crocker Amazon Clubhouse, 799 Moscow Street, San Francisco (District 11)
The sole agenda item was:
Recruitment of an Inspector General (Discussion): This is a public forum for the public to address the board members with the qualifications they would like to see in a candidate for inspector general.

April 21, 2023, Mission Arts Center, 745 Treat Ave., San Francisco (District 9)
In addition to the agenda item for the April 11 community meetings, “Recruitment of an Inspector General (Discussion): This is a public forum for the public to address the board members with the qualifications they would like to see in a candidate for inspector general.” the following two items were added to agenda:
Presentation by the San Francisco Sheriff's Office (SFSO) (Informational)
A representative from the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office will describe its responsibilities and operations, and members of the public will have an opportunity to ask questions regarding Sheriff’s Office operations.
Community input to the Sheriff’s Department Oversight Board regarding SFSO operations and jail conditions (Discussion and Possible Action)
This is an open forum for the public to address the board members regarding the SFSO operations and jail conditions.

The following four additional community meetings were scheduled but were cancelled due to lack of a quorum:
May 9, 2023, Moscone Recreation Center, 1800 Chestnut Street, San Francisco (District 2 and District 3)
May 19, 2023, Richmond Recreation Center, 251 18th Ave., San Francisco (District 1)
May 25, 2023, Sunset Recreation Center, 2201 Lawton Street, San Francisco (District 4)
June 8, 2023, Glide Memorial United Methodist Church, 330 Ellis Street, San Francisco (District 5).*

*SDOB is working with Glide staff to reschedule this meeting; based on their availability, it will likely be in 2024. SDOB anticipates scheduling other community outreach and presence during the remainder of 2023.

OIG reports submitted to the SDOB Q2 2023

The OIG has not yet been established.


The Department of Human Resources issued the job announcement for the position of Inspector General on March 27, 2023. The application period closed on June 24, 2023.

SDOB and DHR set the following desired timeline and benchmarks for hiring the Inspector General:
July - Inspector General Candidate Interviews
August - Pre-employment vetting and verification of finalists
September - Job offer
October - Onboarding of Inspector General



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SDOB 2023 Q2 Report